Lord Summerisle suddenly stands from his chair and begins to walk on over to a table that has a large photographic binder placed on top. The Lord say's, "It's very simple, Let me show you. The Lord turns his head slightly towards the sergeant then looks back towards the table top and say's, In the last century, the islanders were starving.

Lord Summerisle begins to open the large photographic book with his right hand, Lord Summerisle say's, Like our neighbors today,

(Lord Summerisle moves a small black and white photo with his left hand across to the left side of the book,)

Lord Summerisle lifts up a larger black and white photo with his left hand as he sorts through a large collection of photographic images. The Lord say's, from sheep and sea.
Lord Summerisle lets the large photo slide from his hand as it gently floats to the surface of the book, The third image in the pile now becomes visible, He picks up the photo by it's left side edge with his left hand. This photo was taken in the 1800's and depicts the people that lived on Summerisle then, They carved out a menial existence fishing, growing fruit and vegetables and producing there own beer.

Lord Summerisle removes the third image to reveal another of a basket maker,

The Lord places his hands to his hips as he looks up at a portrait of his grandfather that has been fixed to the wall, The Lord say's, Then in 1868, my grandfather bought this barren island. The sergeant looks up at the oil painting as he tries to understand the Lord and also that of the Lord's grandfather.

Lord Summerisle continues, "And began to change things"

Lord Summerisle continues, "A distinguished Victorian scientist, agronomist (Agronomists have a wide range of work, but their role is best summed up as a “crop doctor.” They are concerned with the health and well-being of crops used for food production, fuel, and land reclamation. Agronomists conduct experiments to develop the best methods for increasing the quality and production of crops.) free thinker.

The Lord continues, How formidably benevolent he seems. (benevolent means, well meaning and kindly. The Lord moves away from the table and walks off to his left leaving the sergeant to contemplate on the portrait of his grandfather.

Sergeant Howie follows Lord Summerisle as he say's, Essentially the face of a man incredulous of all human good. (Incredulous means - (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something. "an incredulous gasp")

Sergeant Howie follows Lord Summerisle as he walks into the dining room.

The sergeant say's, Your very cynical, my lord.

Sergeant Howie and Lord Summerisle slowly walk along and around the large dining room table as the Lord explains why the island is the way it is.

The Lord continues, What attracted my Grandfather to the island apart from the profuse source or wiry labour that it promised,
The Lord walks on over to an antique wooden cutlery holder that is shaped like a vase that he lifts up from the top with his left hand, A loud wooden thud is heard as the lid is raised,
Although Summerisle's castle interiors were mainly filmed in Lochinch Castle, the dining room scene was filmed here at Culzean. The dining room is decorated similarly as it was during The Wicker Man's filming. In fact, the cutlery holder from which Lord Summerisle removed a knife is still there today.
Lord Summerisle reaches in to the cutlery holder and pulls out an ivory or bone handled knife with his left hand. Lord Summerisle continues, was the unique combination of Volcanic soil

The Lord raises his left hand and points out of the window with the bone knife and say's, "and the warm Gulf stream that surrounded it.

The next frame is of the castle grounds from outside, A female wearing a pink jumper can be seen staring out of a second floor window directly center of two Rectangle windows. Birds can be heard chirping

Sergeant Howie follows Lord Summerisle as he makes his way out of the living room and outside into the cool breeze. The Lord continues, You see, his experiments had led him to believe

Lord Summerisle continues as he softly squeezes the bone knife with both hands, that it was possible to induce here the successful growth

Lord Summerisle continues, of certain new strains of fruit that he had developed.

Lord Summerisle begins to walk down a series of short steps as the sergeant follows behind.

So, The Lord turns his head around and makes eye contact with the sergeant as he opens a door with his left hand, The Lord continues as he makes his way through the door, with typical mid-Victorian zeal, he set to work.

Lord Summerisle has led the sergeant out into the castles garden grounds, The Lord continues, The best way of accomplishing this, so it seemed to him, was to rouse the people from their apathy, by giving them back their joyous old gods.

(Apathy means - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.) Sergeant Howie is eating a small piece of fruit with his left hand.

Lord Summerisle has stopped walking and has turned around as he stands motionless, The Lord continues, And as a result of this worship, The sergeant ums on his fruit as he slowly makes his way over to the Lord.

Lord Summerisle is walking with the sergeant at a slow pace as he continues to explain the islands history, The Lord say's, the barren island would burgeon and bring forth fruit in great abundance. A gardener for the castle grounds can be seen pulling weeds and unwanted plant growth from a small rock with both hands, A small pile of discarded shrubbery lays on top of a much larger stone. The large trees leaves sway softly in the cool breeze.

Lord Summerisle stops walking and raises his left hand as he expresses his words to the sergeant, The Lord say's, What he did, of course, was to develop new cultivars of hardy fruits suited to local conditions. But of course to begin with they worked for him because he fed them and clothed them. But later, when the trees started fruiting it became a very different matter.

The Sergeant and Lord Summerisle begin to slowly walk along the garden path once again, The Lord continues, And the ministers fled the island never to return. What my grandfather has started out of expediency... Expediency means - the quality of being convenient and practical despite possibly being improper or immoral; convenience.

Lord Summerisle continues, My father continued out of - The Lord hesitates before saying "Love" as he raises both of his hands. The sergeant turns and looks at Lord Summerisle as he continues to chew on his fruit piece.

The Lord continues, He brought me up the same way, Sergeant Howie places the fruit piece into his mouth with his left hand as he looks down at the ground. The Lord continues, To reverance - Reverance means - deep respect for someone or something.
"rituals showed honour and reverence for the dead" the music and the drama and the rituals of the old gods. The Lord speaks with zest as he say's "the old gods" and is happy and content with what his grandfather passed on to him.
Sergeant Howie stops walking as Lord Summerisle continues up a few short steps, The Lord continues, To Love nature and to fear it. (Sergeant Howie is motionless as he holds his left arm to his chest.)

The Lord lowers his hands to his side as he continues to face away from the sergeant. The Lord continues, and to rely on it and to appease it where necessary. He brought me up...

The Lord's sentence is cut short as the sergeant interrupts the Lords words with anger and frustration, The Sergeant say's loudly, He brought you up to be a Pagan! - Birds can be heard chirping)

The Lord turns around to face the sergeant from his sudden outburst and hesitates before saying softly, A heathen, conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one.

Sergeant Howie just looks at Lord Summerisle and is speechless.

A few moment pass then the sergeant replies with concern and sensibility, Lord Summerisle, I am interested in one thing: The Law.

Sergeant Howie slowly walks on over to Lord Summerisle as he looks at him with a serious face of authority - Low sounds of scuffling from the sergeants feet are heard, Howie say's, But I must remind you, sir, that despite everything you've said, Howie raises his voice slightly, you are the subject of a Christian country. A moment passes in silence before the sergeant say's, Now, sir, if I may have your permission to exhume the body of Rowan Morrison.

Lord Summerisle turns away from the sergeant as he say's, I was under the impression I'd already given it to you.

As Lord Summerisle turns away from Howie he notices the coachman and horse arriving into the grounds to collect the sergeant, Lord Summerisle say's, Ah, there's your transport as he continues to walk away. Lord Summerisle is very happy and is smiling brightly even after the sour conversation with the police officer. A sound of horses hoofs is heard from a distance.

Lord Summerisle continues with an air of sarcasm as the sergeant stands motionless, It's been a great pleasure meeting a Christian copper, The sergeant begins to slowly walk forward as he watches Lord Summerisle make his way back inside the castle.

Birds can be heard tweeting infused with the sound of the sergeants feet as he makes his way over to the coachmen. The sergeant does not seem very happy certainly not in the same frame of mind as Lord Summerisle but he can now move on with the investigation, His next port of call will be back to the graveyard for an exhumation of Rowan Morrison's grave.

A corn dollie slowly sways from side to side in the cool breeze, Corn dollies were made at Harvest time from the last sheaf of corn cut. The Corn Spirit was supposed to live or be reborn in the plaited straw ornament or corn doll and was kept until the following spring to ensure a good harvest.

Robert and Shona Redpath get married at Lochinch Castle November 1st, 2014, in Castle Kennedy which is part of Stair Estates and is a stunning wedding venue.
Home to the Earls of Stair since the 14th Century, Lochinch encompasses the ‘new’ Lochinch Castle with its gardens as well as the ‘old’ Castle Kennedy ruins with their Gardens extending across 75 acres of extraordinary features and plantings.
The Heritage Estate extends across farm land, hillsides, lochs and forests. Carved out by glaciers at the end of the Ice Age and warmed by the beneficial climate of the Gulf Stream, it provides a rich habitat for diverse flora and fauna, both wild and cultivated.

Built in the mid-19th century in the Scottish Baronial style, Lochinch Castle and its numerous outbuildings were designed to the wishes of John Dalrymple, 10th Earl of Stair, and his wife Louisa de Franquetot, daughter of the 3rd duc de Coigny. It replaced Castle Kennedy which unfortunately burned down in 1716, enabling the Earls of Stair to once again make their principal home in this most beautiful part of Southwest Scotland.
Much of Lochinch Castle has been left untouched with original decorations and furnishings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Outside there are numerous outbuildings, including the recently restored vaulted Boathouse on the White Loch, Victorian Carriage Houses and Stable Courtyard.

Image Above -The welcome of tusks, antlers, horns and weaponry in the outer hall of Lochinch Castle. (CASTLE KENNEDY GARDENS)
Initially laid out by the 2nd Earl of Stair in the 18th Century and later restored, replanted and extended by the 8th and 10th Earls in the 19th Century, Castle Kennedy Gardens today extend across 75 acres of sculpted landscape, features and plantings of historical value. Open to the public, the Gardens offer a varied programme of events for visitors of all ages to enjoy.

Image Above - Castle Kennedy Gardens
The garden scenes for the Wicker Man were filmed here at Castle Kennedy. There was some form of fortification on the site of Castle Kennedy since at least the fifteenth century for it was mentioned in a record dated 1482. Little is known about this structure and it was either demolished or incorporated into a new Tower House that was built in 1607. This is the structure visible today but, when constructed, it was situated on an island in Loch Inch. Subsequent drainage now means the castle is now found on a neck of land whilst the water itself is two separate and distinct bodies; White and Black Lochs.
The four-storey Tower House was laid out in a rectangular configuration with additional wings being added later. The main block consisted of a single chamber at each level with the accommodation within the two wings. The structure was purchased by John Hamilton, Lord of Bargany in the mid seventeenth century and in 1677 passed to Sir James Dalrymple of Stair through his marriage with Margaret Ross. Sir James was a distinguished lawyer who was appointed President of the Court of Session in 1671. He was created Viscount Stair in 1690 but died 5 years later. He was followed by his son, Field Marshall John Dalrymple, who laid out the formal gardens surrounding the castle after being impressed by the arrangements at the Palace of Versailles during his service as ambassador in France. The work was conducted by the forces assigned to his Command - men of the Royal Scots Greys and the Inniskilling Fusiliers - who had been deployed to the area to suppress the Covenanters. It is possible that John Dalrymple himself had Covenanter sympathies and that his employment of his troops in the landscaping of his garden was a deliberate diversion of their focus away from the mission.
Disaster struck the castle in 1716 when it was destroyed by fire. John Dalrymple returned from one of his visits to France unexpectedly prompting a servant to attempt to dry out his bedding in front of an open fire. It caught light and the subsequent blaze gutted the castle. The family moved their main residence to Culhorn near Stranraer and they chose not to restore Castle Kennedy although work continued on development of the gardens.
After John's death in 1747, both the ruined castle and the formal gardens were neglected. However in 1864 John Dalrymple, Earl of Stair started work on a mansion house 500 metres to the north-west. Known as Lochinch Castle it was completed in 1867 and remains a private residence today. However the ruins of the former castle, along with the superb gardens, are open to the public.
(Castle Kennedy is a small village 3 miles (4.8 km) east of Stranraer in Dumfries and Galloway, south-west Scotland, It is on the A75 road and is within the civil parish of Inch. The village is to the south of the Lochinch Castle estate, which includes the ruins of the 17th-century Castle Kennedy, as well as Castle Kennedy Gardens which are open to the public.

Some time has passed and Sergeant Howie has travelled safely back to the small town of Summerisle, It is late and dark but Sergeant Howie deems it utterly important to continue his investigations after dark, This is so he wont be seen and he does not want to waste any more time, Sergeant Howie is now in the grave yard and has found the gardener who is assisting in digging up the coffin of Rowan Morrison, If the sergeant can find the body then he can conclude that she is dead but her body will be sent to the mainland for a thorough autopsy to find out her cause of death and also further inquiries will be made to find out if she was murdered or died of natural causes.

A sound of rotten wood is heard in the blackness as the sergeant exhumes the coffin of Rowan Morrison, Crickets can be heard chirping but all is quiet otherwise. The grave digger has been busy digging up Rowan's plot but now the coffin has been raised, The sergeant is helping to lift the coffin out of the deep hole with some ropes that are attached and have been wrapped around the circumference of the coffin. The grave digger stands at the other end and is also working hard to pull the muddy and rotten coffin out of the ground. The sergeant grimaces at the prospect of having to look inside a coffin as a dead body is an unpleasant sight.

The gravedigger reaches out with his right hand as he picks up his shuffle, A clinking of metal is heard. The sergeant reaches for a lantern that is resting on the ground to his left.

Sergeant Howie holds the lantern over the coffin with his right hand as he grimaces at the possibility that the dead remains of Rowan Morrison will be inside. The sergeant is also helping by pulling the coffins lid up with his left hand, The grave digger forces the edge of the shovel into the right side corner of the rotten wood to prize it open, The grave digger is exerting a lot of pressure as he rests the shovel onto his legs as he pushes up.

The sergeant breaths out heavily as the lid suddenly pops up from the edges of the coffin, The grave digger places his left hand onto the coffins lid as he grunts and discards the shovel with his right hand, A chinking of metal is heard as the shovel falls to the floor,

Now the grave digger places his right hand also onto the coffins lid as he pulls up with all his might.

A loud creaking of wood and nails is heard as the lid begins to separate from its shell, Slowly but surely the coffins lid raises up as the grave digger and sergeant Howie pull as hard as they can. The grave digger is straining and exerting maximum pressure as he pulls hard.

The grave digger groans with effort as the lid raises up higher and higher into the blackness of the night, Sergeant Howie looks down inside the coffin as his lantern illuminates the stale and musky innards of it's interior.

A bird is heard cooing loudly once, Both the sergeant and the gravedigger look inside the coffin with intrigue, The sound of a dog barking five times is heard, Suddenly the grave digger slowly turns to look at the sergeant, His eyes have lit up and he has suddenly found the situation rather amusing, The sergeant is looking down but quickly looks up at the now tickled man, The sergeant is not so happy as he watches the gravedigger begin a continuous and rapturous deep chuckle of the unexpected.

The grave digger chuckles loudly some more as he looks back down into the coffin to indicate that whatever is in there has caused him to laugh uncontrollably.

All is revealed as the sergeants lantern lights up the inside of the coffin, A large and very dead rabbit has been placed inside the coffin to the amazement and shock of the police officer. An off key twang of a stringed instrument is heard for one note as the camera slowly zooms into the coffin, The gravedigger continues to laugh wildly and is finding the situation highly amusing at the expense of sergeant Howie.

The condition of the rabbit indicates that it has not been dead for any length of time as only a small amount of decomposition is evident. The sound of a female singing enthusiastically accompanied by a grand piano can now be heard, This sound is for the next scene but has blended in with this scene for added effect and emotion. The song that now plays was written by Paul Giovanni and is called "The Tinker Of Rye"
Miss Rose sings,
♪ A maiden did this tinker meet
♪ And to him boldly say

Sergeant Howie is absolutely infuriated after finding a dead rabbit inside the coffin of Rowan Morrison, The sergeant can only take so much but every lead he gets turns into a strange fiasco of unreasonable and deluded immorality. The evening is upon the sergeant and he has decided to go back to Lord Summerisle with the incredible news that Rowan Morrison has now turned into a hare. The sergeant would of taken another coachmen to the Lords castle but may of simply walked there, The sergeant bursts through the door way that leads into the large front room of the castle, The sergeant stops dead just inside the room as he looks ahead at Miss Rose singing while Lord Summerisle plays on the grand piano, Both the Lord and Miss Rose are in high spirits as they play and sing together. Broome also follows behind the sergeant as is working at speed as the sergeant has used his police authority to gain access to the castle. Miss Rose continues to sing the song,
♪ For sure, my kettle hath much need
♪ If you will pass my way

Miss Rose is sat down on a white rug while drinking from a golden chalice with her right hand, Lord Summerisle is immensely enjoying his time with the teacher and in all respects may be having some form of relationship with her.

Broome smiles as he turns to leave the sergeant with the company of Lord Summerisle and Miss Rose. The sergeant continues to stand motionless on the spot as he watches the couple entertain each other. The sergeant is building up a frustration and anger after all the hard work he is putting in to find the missing girl people around him are less enthusiastic for the police officers concerns.

Miss Rose continues as she sways her chalice from side to side with the rhythm and sound of her voice,
♪ She took the tinker by the hand
Sergeant Howie slowly begins to walk almost creep towards the singing pair as he holds the dead and stinking rabbit in his right hand, Neither Miss Rose or Lord Summerisle have shown any interest in the sergeant as they continue to enjoy there singing and piano playing.

Miss Rose swings her chalice to the left to express her words as she sings,
♪ And led him to her door (especially in former times) a person who makes a living by travelling from place to place mending pans and other metal utensils was called a Tinker.

♪ Says she my kettle (Miss Rose raises her left hand up to reveal her fingers and thumb as she turns to look at the Lord) I will show.
Immorality deludes the sergeant as the golden chalice will absolutely infuriate the sergeants consciousness as it may well of been taken from the Christian church building and is now being used for singing inappropriate songs and getting drunk, The chalice is used for communion and this is a massive upset for the deeply religious police officer.

Lord Summerisle is wearing a white and silky ruffle around his neck and has certainly dressed very smartly for the occasion, The Lord smiles brightly as he plays the piano and watches Miss Rose sing the song, Miss Rose continues, ♪ And you can clout it sure.

The Lord then looks back and down at the piano keys as he continues to play the notes with a delightful balance and pressure.
The open fire blazes sweetly as Miss Rose continues to sing with extreme happiness and enthusiasm.

Miss Rose raises her right hand high with golden chalice in hand as she laughs and sings - ♪ For patching and plugging is his delight, Miss Rose lowers her hand as she smiles wildly with happiness at Lord Summerisle,

Lord Summerisle has also joined in with the chorus and provides a deep and cheerful accompaniment.

Sergeant Howie is still stood at a distance from the singing duo and has paid a visit on a more serious note and is not enjoying the show one bit, The sergeant has had enough and wants to pull the plug and stop the noise, Without warning the sergeant raises his right hand and throws the dead hare at speed towards Miss Rose and The Lord, The hare twists in the air as it hurtles towards the oblivious couple.

A loud thud is heard as the hare lands just in front of Miss Rose, The sudden shock and surprise of a dead hare landing just a few feet away from Lord Summerisle stops the singing and piano sound dead in the water, The last note fades away to reveal a strange silence.

The silence continues as the sergeant takes a few short steps closer to lord Summerisle and Miss Rose, The sergeant raises his right hand and points his index finger that is now devoid of the dead hare as he say's with a serious frustration, I found that - The sergeant hesitates then say's, in Rowan Morrison's grave as he continues to walk closer.

The sergeant stops in his tracks as the camera pans left to reveal a silent and now considerably less enthusiastic and happy couple, Miss Rose just stares at the sergeant while Lord Summerisle looks down at the dead Hare with a hidden tolerance but is also upset at the sergeants rude and vulgar intrusion.

Lord Summerisle slowly turns to face Miss Rose as he say's softly without anger or frustration, Little Rowan loved the March hares. Miss Rose turns to look at the Lord as she contemplates his words.

Miss Rose looks down as she looks at the dead hare and Hmm's as she shakes her head positively,

The sergeants face is dirtied and he has a layer of sweat on his skin from his excursion from the graveyard to the Lord's castle, The sergeant looks away from Miss Rose as he focuses on the Lord, The sergeant suddenly speaks loudly and clearly, It's sacrilege! (violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred.
"putting ecclesiastical vestments to secular use was considered sacrilege")

Miss Rose instantly responds to the sergeant with a profound and carefully spoken tone of voice, Only if the ground is consecrated to the Christian belief. (make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious purpose. "the present Holy Trinity church was consecrated in 1845" (in Christian belief) declare (bread and wine) to be or represent the body and blood of Christ."they received the host but not the consecrated wine" Miss Rose continues as she shakes her head negatively, Personally, I think it makes a very lovely transmutation

Miss Rose takes a short but deep breath as she looks down at the dead hare before saying, I'm sure Rowan is most happy with it,

Miss Rose looks up and turns to face lord Summerisle before saying, Do you not think so, Lord Summerisle?

The sergeant is trying his best to listen to Miss Rose but has his doubts about her authenticity, The sergeant instantly breaks back into the conversation as he snaps and say's, Miss, I hope you don't think that I can be made a fool of indefinitely.

Miss Rose looks back up at the sergeant as he speaks with authority and seriousness.

The sergeant speaks carefully and with a strong verbal tone "Where is Rowan Morrison?

Miss Rose is silent as she blinks for a singular moment, Miss Rose has lost her charismatic prowess from a few moments ago and needs a few moments to answer the sergeants question. Miss Rose looks down at the dead hare while still holding the golden chalice up in her right hand, She say's, Why, here she is, what remains of her physically.

The Hare. In Celtic tradition, the hare is sacred to the Goddess and is the totem animal of lunar goddesses such as Hecate, Freyja and Holda - the hare is a symbol for the moon. The Goddess most closely associated with the Hare is Eostre, or Ostara.

Miss Rose quickly looks away from the hare as she looks slightly to her right, She drapes her golden chalice at an angle to her right as she say's, Her soul, of course, may even now... Her words are cut short from the irritated and frustrated sergeant.

Sergeant Howie shouts loudly with frustration as he say's, Lord Summerisle! The sergeant can take no more of Miss Roses delusional hypothesis of Rowan Morrisons disappearance.

The Sergeant has to repeat his words again loudly and sincerely to Lord Summerisle this time, "Where is Rowan Morrison"

The strong and authoritative words from the sergeant has now affected the mood of Lord Summerisle, He no longer has a happy and smiling face but one of annoyance and displeasure, The Lord stands abruptly and looks at the sergeant in silence for a brief moment.

The sergeant is silent as he looks on at the Lord.

The Lord then speaks to the sergeant with a tone of softness and correctability, The Lord say's, Sergeant Howie, I think...The Lord hesiates then say's, That You are supposed to be the detective here.

The sergeant looks away from Lord Summerisle as he closes his eyes for a brief moment.

Sergeant Howie breathes out deeply as he raises his right hand to his face and rubs his eyes a couple of times as he tries to gather some composure, The sergeant now concludes he was a little out of place to throw the hare across the room and is now considering a more sensible and calm approach to his investigation.

Lord Summerisle turns slightly to his right as he smiles and watches Miss Rose who is still sat on the floor next to the dead hare.

Miss Rose is resting her golden chalice on the floor next to the hare, The decomposed hare has a large injury to it's belly and this indicates that it may of bled to death or was a substantial detail in it's demise.

Miss Rose raises the golden chalice to her lips in silence and drinks some wine from the large outer rim as she watches the two men discuss Rowan Morrisons disappearance.

Sergeant Howie has gained some composure as he speaks at a normal loudness, A child (Howie hesitates) is reported missing on your island, The sergeant looks down and has his eyes closed as he speaks to Lord summerisle. (Lord Summerisle folds his arms) The sergeant is no doubt sick and tired of this whole fiasco and is desperate to find the missing girl or he will go home defeated and emotionally scarred from the ordeal.

All is silent as the sergeant looks back at Lord summerisle who stands motionless for a brief moment then back away again.

The sergeant then turns again to look at the face of the Lord and say's, At first I'm told there is no such child.

The sergeant stutter on his words as he expresses his thoughts by shaking his right hand a few times in an outwards motion, , I ,I The sergeant looks away again as he say's, I, then find that there is in fact, but she has been killed.

Howie continues as he looks away from the lord, I subsequently discovered... Howie looks back at The Lord, that there is no death certificate.

Howie looks back at the Lord and say's, And now I find that there is a grave, Howie nods positively at the lord as he expresses his words.

Lord Summerisle is silent as he looks down, Howie shakes his head negatively as he say's, There's no body.

The Lord suddenly turns away from the sergeant as he nods a single time in disbelief at the sergeants words. The Lord slowly walks off in silence and contemplation.

As the Lord walks past the sergeant he turns to look back at the police officer for a fleeting moment then looks forward again as he say's, Very perplexing for you. Light scuffles from the Lord's feet can be heard.

The Lord stops in his tracks and turns to face the sergeant who has his back to him, The Lord say's, What do you think could've happened?

The sergeant is silent as he bows his head with disbelief and concern,

Miss Rose is looking up at the sergeant as she listens to the police officers words,

Sergeant Howie takes a few steps closer to the Lord as he looks down and say's, I think Rowan Morrison was murdered.

The sergeant then looks up at the Lord and say's, under circumstances of pagan barbarity as he rests his hands by his side. Howie continues as he shakes his head negatively in disbelief, which I can scarcely bring myself to believe as taking place in the 20th century.

Sergeant Howie is silent momentarily as the Lord stands motionless, Howie continues, Now, it is my intention tomorrow (Howie looks down as he raises his right hand to a corner of his right side jacket and lifts it slightly as he brings his jacket in closer to his side.) to return to the mainland

Howie continues, And report my suspicions to the Chief Constable of the West Highland constabulary. And I will demand a full inquiry takes place into the affairs of this heathen island.

Howie has said what he wanted to say and has decided that Lord Summerisle can not assist him anymore. The officer turns away from Lord Summerisle and begins to walk forward towards the exit door.

Lord Summerisle turns around to face the back of the sergeant and say's, You must, of course do as you see fit, sergeant as he also makes his way over to the exit door.

Lord Summerisle reaches down with his left hand and rings a small bell to let Broome the steward and servant know that his Lordship requires attention and service. (A loud sound of ringing bells is heard)

The Lord places the bell back to the table then say's, Perhap's it's just as well that you won't be here tomorrow... to be offended by the sight of our May Day celebrations here.

A light tapping of wood is heard as Broome appears from the right side,

All is silent except for a ticking clock, The sergeant looks at Broome with a face of contempt for a brief moment,

Suddenly the Lord speaks and say's, Broome, (Howie turns to look at Lord Summerisle as soon as he mentions Broome,

The Lord continues, would you kindly show the sergeant out?

Broome looks at the sergeant and say's softly, This way sir,

Lord Summerisle bids the good sergeant "Goodbye" before walking off leaving the sergeant with Broome.

As the Lord returns to Miss Rose and the grand piano before they were so rudely interupted he begins to sing the next few lines of the song "The Tinker of Rye"
♪ Fair maid says he
♪ Your kettle's cracked
Miss Rose raises her right hand high in the air then begins to wave it from side to side in happiness as the Lord sings.

♪ The cause is plainly told - Lord Summerisle sits back down at the piano and begins to play the notes to the music score once again. Lord Summerisle is wearing a traditional Scottish kilt ( A kilt (Scottish Gaelic) is a type of knee-length non-bifurcated skirt with pleats at the back, originating in the traditional dress of Gaelic men and boys in the Scottish Highlands, It was first recorded in the 16th century as the great kilt, a full-length garment whose upper half could be worn as a cloak. The small kilt or modern kilt emerged in the 18th century, and is essentially the bottom half of the great kilt. Since the 19th century, it has become associated with the wider culture of Scotland, and more broadly with the Gaelic or Celtic heritage, It is most often of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern. ♪ There hath so many nails been drove

Miss Rose sways her chalice from left to right as she watches the Lord sing and play piano.

Lord Summersile continues to sing with enthusiasm just like before the officer arrived. ♪ Mine own could not take hold
Although the kilt is most often worn on formal occasions and at Highland games and sports events, it has also been adapted as an item of informal male clothing in recent years, returning to its roots as an everyday garment. Particularly in North America, kilts are now made for casual wear in a variety of materials. Alternative fastenings may be used and pockets inserted to avoid the need for a sporran. Kilts have also been adopted as female wear for some sports.
The typical kilt as seen at modern Highland games events is made of twill woven worsted wool. The kilts worn by Irish pipe bands are based on the traditional Scottish garment but now in a single (solid) colour.

The Scottish kilt displays uniqueness of design, construction, and convention which differentiate it from other garments fitting the general description. It is a tailored garment that is wrapped around the wearer's body at the natural waist (between the lowest rib and the hip) starting from one side (usually the wearer's left), around the front and back and across the front again to the opposite side. The fastenings consist of straps and buckles on both ends, the strap on the inside end usually passing through a slit in the waistband to be buckled on the outside; alternatively it may remain inside the waistband and be buckled inside. Sergeant Howie has decided that he will try and gain access to the chemist store while it is closed for the night, T.H.Lennox is also a photographer and takes a photo every year of that years harvest, The photo for 1972 is missing from The Green Man pub and the sergeant is a little dubious over the chemists inability to produce a second copy or negative. (A singular twang of an off key stringed instrument is heard) Sergeant Howies shadow can be seen from outside of the shop as a rattling of keys is heard.

Kilting fabric weights are given in ounces per yard and run from the very-heavy, regimental worsted of approximately 18–22 ounces (510–620 g) down to a light worsted of about 10–11 ounces (280–310 g). The most common weights for kilts are 13 ounces (370 g) and 16 ounces (450 g). The heavier weights are more appropriate for cooler weather, while the lighter weights would tend to be selected for warmer weather or for active use, such as Highland dancing. Some patterns are available in only a few weights. A kilt can be pleated with either box or knife pleats. The Scottish kilt is usually worn with kilt hose (woollen socks) turned down at the knee, often with garters and flashes, and a sporran (Gaelic for "purse": a type of pouch), which hangs around the waist from a chain or leather strap. This may be plain or embossed leather, or decorated with sealskin, fur, or polished metal plating.Sergeant Howie is using a Skelton key to gain access to the shop, A loud wooden thud is heard as the door abruptly opens to a three inch gap as Howie pears in to the dimly lit shop. (A skeleton key (also known as a passkey) is a type of master key in which the serrated edge has been filed down so that it can open numerous locks, most commonly the warded lock, The term derives from the fact that the key has been reduced to its essential parts. To counteract the illicit creation of such keys, locksmiths can put wards not just in the center but on the outside as well, making the creation of a skeleton key more difficult.

Another twang of the stringed instrument is heard as Howie focuses on a stuffed Owl that stares at him with almost lifelike features.

The sergeant is cool calm and collective as he looks forward towards the back area of the shop, He immediately begins to slowly make his way down towards a dark room photographic developing studio.

Only the light tapping of the sergeants feet can be heard as all is very quiet. The sergeant turns briefly to his left as he looks at the strange bottles and jars that glimmer in the soft light levels.

The sergeant slowly and cautiously walks furthur into the shop.

The sergeant looks up and can see a yellow sign that displays the words, DEVELOPING AND PRINTING in large black letters.

The sergeant is in deep thought as he stands just below the yellow sign,

The sergeant slowly pulls back a black curtain and peers through into the room behind. A light sound of friction is heard as the curtains move. A sound of dripping water is now heard.

The sergeant is a little cautious as he looks to his right while trying to locate a light switch.

Low level scuffling is heard as the sergeant reaches up with his left hand and pulls on a ceiling cord, Suddenly the dark room is no more as it lights up to reveal the contents of the room. A loud click then another ping is heard from the light cord as the light is turned on. The 20th century became the age of film. But that film was based on silver halides, and so still required a darkroom. Kodak’s offer to process and print film taken by amateurs encouraged growth of photography by dispensing with a need to learn darkroom skills. People merely brought their exposed film to the drugstore or photo shop for processing. Most of this film was black and white. While modern color photography was invented in the 1940s, widespread use of color did not reach the average household until the 1970s. And emulsion-based color processing remained a complicated process. To print color photos required a sophisticated enlarger, expensive chemicals and color photo paper, along with skills beyond most amateur possibilities.

A tap has not been turned off fully and is dripping a small but continuous amount of water directly into the sink hole.
Chemical-based images using a negative/positive process date from the very beginnings of photography, While Daguerre’s famous process of 1839 made unique pictures on copper plates, William Henry Fox Talbot within two years unveiled the negative/positive process that came to dominate the industry. Light-sensitive chemicals based on silver compounds, such as silver halides turn dark when exposed to light, as was long known. Should it be possible to make that image permanent, or “fix” the image, a photographer would then have a negative image on paper or any other surface coated with silver halides. Of course, a negative image wasn’t of much use. Daguerre's technique produced sharp, positive images, and so became the rage from 1839-1851. But the negative/positive process eventually prevailed because it had some big advantages. Negatives produced on clear or translucent surfaces could be pressed against a second sensitized sheet and, when light was projected through, would transfer to a positive image on the paper. This could be repeated. That meant that instead of obtaining a single image from each camera exposure, you could take just one picture and make as many images as you wanted. Secondly, the chemicals used in the silver-based process were less dangerous and fussy. Soon the “speed” of the film—that is, how sensitive the chemicals were to light—increased to the point where you could obtain a decent image in seconds. And not long after that, less than a second.

William Henry Fox Talbot
Daguerreotypes died out after Scott Archer invented a negative/positive process in 1851 using glass plates. Yes, these were bulky and breakable. They required huge view cameras (the famous bellows and cloth). Worse, they were coated with the light-sensitive chemicals in a portable darkroom on site, because the exposure had to be made and processed in a darkroom before the chemicals dried. Despite this cumbersome process, photographers captured images that included some of the most important scenes of the day. The U.S. Civil War was photographed using the Archer process. So was much of the early American West. But these photographers were invariably highly skilled professionals. Amateur photography barely existed. By the 1870s inventors such as George Eastman had found ways to produce dry plates. While this was an advance, still, those heavy glass plates and cameras had to be carted from place to place.
In 1881 David Houston Hunter, N.D., received a patent for a roll film holder. He sold that patent to George Eastman of Eastman Kodak, who launched his first roll film camera in 1888. Silver halides were embedded in a gelatin, called emulsion. The emulsion was coated on a flexible plastic-like backing. Three years later Thomas Edison borrowed the idea to create his first motion picture camera. Kodak’s production of the roll film camera became the most significant advance in photography since 1839. Photography finally became possible for amateurs, while movies based on roll film grew to extraordinary importance in the next century, as entertainment, news, instruction and propaganda.

Sergeant Howie has noticed a large pile of paper storage wallets stacked on top of the wooden storage box, He quickly picks them up with curiosity as these indicate that they may be the last photographs processed or the last that have been viewed with interest.
The dark room has your typical layout of equipment that is needed to develop negatives from a film roll, A brown wooden storage box is to the right bottom that is used for storing completed photographs. Bottles of chemicals are sat on a shelf to the left while a heater type red light unit with red filter is attached to the wall, An enlarger is visible to the right while a large pile of yellow protective boxes are visible to the far back of the room, These boxes contain negatives that can be inserted into the enlarger for a better viewing pleasure. Make sure you don't hold the negative anywhere but by the edge. ...
Don't stack negatives. ...
Make sure your negatives are stored flat. ...
Don't store your negatives in the attic or your garage (or where the temperature fluctuates rapidly). ...
Store negatives in a low humidity environment.

A chromogenic enlarger is a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints from films or glass negatives, or from transparencies.

The sergeant suddenly flips open the top of the first multiple colored wallets with speed, A loud thud is heard as the sergeant robustly flips the cover open with his left hand.

A scuffling of paper is heard as the sergeant pulls out the very first black and white image with his left hand.

A scuffling of paper is heard as the sergeant pulls out the very first black and white image with his left hand.
The image portrays Lord Summerisle with a few of his devoted followers as they all stare at something the Lord is holding in his hand, It could be a stone but it is something significant to the people of Summerisle. Alien shaped this object is linked with nature and growth of fruits and vegetables. The Lord could be described as a cultist or extreme leader as his abilities to persuade and overcome the minds of his people is paramount. A small white sticker on the front of the purple wallet reads - Omen Stones.

The sergeant quickly opens the next paper wallet as he places each one underneath, A single photographic image is stored in each wallet. Howie places his left hand on a corner of the second image as he lifts it out for further viewing.

The second image shows eight people stood around a small bonfire, A large wooden basket of whole garlic cloves can be seen to the right, and some are scattered on the ground. A knife with a white handle lays to the right of the wooden basket. The islanders are holding up there right hands and are symbolizing something that is high and can burn, they may also be throwing garlic pieces into the fire as a small sacrifice for the God of nourishment. They are praising there pagan Celtic gods of their ancestors as they believe that three Gods embellish there lives, The God of nourishment, the God of air water and fire, and the God of rebirth and renewal provide everything for the people of Summerisle.

The third wallet to be investigated shows five men by the waters edge. Howie also slides this photo out from its protective wallet with his left hand.

The third wallet to be investigated shows five men by the waters edge. Howie also slides this photo out from its protective wallet with his left hand.
A man lays flat on the ground while four others tend to him, The man laid on the ground is alive and is smiling, this image symbolizes the God of material things as a man standing over him is pulling on a ragged and dirtied old white sheet.

The fourth wallet shows a group of four teenage girls and two older woman standing in the local graveyard. A elderly woman is laying down flat to the floor next to a traditional type of burial grave.

The four teenage girls are looking down at the woman who is laid out on the ground as they eat apples, The two older females are also eating apples as they watch the motionless woman. The woman who is laid to the floor is symbolizing a Living Grave as the islanders believe that when you die you are reborn and reincarnated. The other grave is labeled as a Burial Grave or a traditional Christian burial, This is a lesson to teach the islanders what is correct as they have broken away from traditional Christian roots to there own kind of worship.

The sergeant has finished looking through the wallets and is now focused on a small pile of yellow boxes that house the negatives. Howie looks on over at a box that is stacked above the others,
Howies looks down slightly then back up again as he places his right hand carefully to the box that has been placed on top. A low level thud is heard as the sergeant places his hand on to the box.

Another rattling is heard as Howie lifts up a box to his left with his left hand, The sergeant is looking for negatives that have been taken in 1972, An image exists somewhere that shows Rowan Morrison standing in front of that years grown produce of fruits vegetables wheat and other foods. T'H.Lennox does not have a copy and the sergeant considers that this man is being deceitful and he is trying to hide something from the sergeant.

The sergeant now focuses his attention to the yellow box that has been placed at the top of the pile, He carefully reads the information on the side of the cover to see if these images were created in 1972 of the annual fruit and vegetable shots.

The sergeant turns slightly to his right after denoting that the box does not contain images from 1972's harvest. The sergeant places his left middle and index fingers onto another yellow box while placing his middle and index from his right hand onto a box to his right. A magnifying glass sits undisturbed on top of the box to his right which he quickly removes with his right hand.

A low level thud is heard as the sergeant places the magnifying glass onto another box to his right,, Now the box that did have the magnifying glass on top is now of interest to the sergeant, He lifts the box up with both hands as he reads the description from the side.

The sergeant quickly walks on over to the light and holds up the negative transparency film with his left hand, The sound of dripping water can still be heard but all is silent.

The sergeant holds the image up for a few seconds then quickly lowers his hand as it is not of any interest to the police officer.

The sergeant carefully shuffles the images to the next one to see if that one is of beneficial use and importance, The second image is also held up to the light as the officer tries to see if an image of Rowan Morrison will surface.

The negative print is concealed within a thin plastic protected outer sleeve that has 1972 inked on in large numerical s. This image does have a significance and the police officer wants to investigate the negative more closely.

Sergeant Howie switches on a red light that is attached to a far wall so that the negative will not become damaged by the bright light of the traditional bulb, Sergeant Howie makes his way over to the Chromogenic enlarger and carefully inserts the negative of interest into the machine, (A sliding grating sound is heard) Once inserted the sergeant will be able to look at the image in detail as it also forms the basis of a projector.

The sergeant quickly looks to his left momentarily as he inserts the negative into the Enlarger Head, He is lining the negative with the light source and is adjusting a knob so that the image becomes focused.

Sergeant Howie has quite clearly been taught or self learnt the dark room procedure for developing photographic prints. A small amount of time has passed and now the sergeant is washing the chemicals away from the print. A splashing sound is heard as small ripples trickle over the print, The image quite clearly shows the fruit and vegetable photo for 1972, Rowan Morrison stands in the center with only a very small amount of produce, A round bread is visible that is shaped from the likeness of the Sun God while there is a small scattering of potatoes. The sergeant say's out to himself in a serious and surprised way, There's hardly any produce.

The sergeant has turned the red light off and has switched the normal white bulb back on. The sergeant is studying the image and is feeling rather concerned for the missing girl at this point, He slowly raises his head while he contemplates a solution to his dilemma.
As the name implies, a timer is what controls how long the exposure will be. A timer can be something as simple as a watch or as complex as a high-end multi-functional digital timer. The advantage of an electronic timer is that it can be connected to the enlarger and will automatically turn the enlarger lamp on and off when you press the "expose" button. Timers can be analog or digital. The old-style analog timers are tried and true. They usually have a sweep dial with easy-to-read numbers. To use, just turn the sweep hand to the number of seconds you want, press the "On" button, and the timer starts the process. The enlarger kicks in, the negative is exposed and when the timing cycle is over, the timer turns the enlarger off. A good timer will have two inputs. One is for the enlarger and the other is for the safelight. In addition to turning the enlarger on and off, the timer will turn the safelight on and off during and after the exposure. Most analog timers tell time in full seconds with little space for "tweaking" the exposure between numbers. Analog timers are also very good for developing negatives. The large numbers, such as are found on the Gralab 300, are easy to read when mixing chemicals or processing film.

Sergeant Howie thinks he has solved the puzzle and speaks out aloud again, He say's, Well, that's it, the crops failed. He looks back down again at the image with a worried expression on his face.

The sergeant speaks again with zeal and a believable impulsive excitement, of his investigations, as the camera slowly zooms in on the image of Rowan Morrison the sergeant say's And it's Rowan, Rowan and the crops failed!.

A few seconds pass as the sergeant looks at the image, Suddenly he say's, Sacrifice, The sergeant is now convinced that Rowan Morrison will be murdered in a pagan sacrificial ceremony for Lord Summerisle's and his peoples beliefs.

The sound of dripping water is the only sound as the sergeant looks back up in deep thought, As he ponders his experiences of Lord Summerisle the Lord's voice starts to play in his mind, Lord Summerisle is heard saying "Perhaps it's just as well