The Sergeant can see a long spiraling stone constructed staircase that leads down into a darker area,

A few moments later the Sergeant reappears from the hidden entrance after concluding that it is a dead end. As the sergeant steps out of the passageway he turns his head right as something has caught his attention,

The sergeant has noticed two dolls that have been arranged onto the double bed in an inappropriate way, The top doll is an incarceration of Pinocchio who is sat on top of another male doll in some kind of courtship. As the islanders are taught and highly induced by Lord Summerisle to enjoy infernal pleasures of the flesh this shows how people have become influenced by the islands strong beliefs and culture. (Bed rocks from side to side) The sound of an electronic organ is heard mixed with the middle tempo guitar strings.

Sergeant Howie looks down at the two dolls with a face of unhappiness, Pinocchio is a fictional character and the protagonist of the children's novel "The Adventures of Pinocchio" 1883 by Italian writer Carlo Collodi, Carved by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a village near Lucca, he was created as a wooden puppet but dreams of becoming a real boy. He is notably characterized for his frequent tendency to lie, which causes his nose to grow. Pinocchio is known for having a short nose that becomes longer when he is under stress especially while lying. In the original tale, Collodi describes him as a "rascal," "imp," "scapegrace," "disgrace," "ragamuffin," and "confirmed rogue," with even his father, carpenter Geppetto, referring to him as a "wretched boy." Upon being born, Pinocchio immediately laughs derisively in his creator's face, whereupon he steals the old man's wig.

The sergeant deems the two dolls wrong and inappropriate as they are in a suggestive position, Suddenly the sergeant raises his right hand and with a streak of vexation slaps Pinocchio off the bed.
Carlo Collodi (24 November, 1826 – 26 October 1890) was an Italian children’s author most known for his fairy tale novel The Adventures of Pinocchio. Born in Florence under the name Carlo Lorenzini. The author had ten siblings, but only three made it to adulthood. Pinocchio's bad behavior, rather than being charming or endearing, is meant to serve as a warning. Collodi originally intended the story, which was first published in 1881, to be a tragedy. It concluded with the puppet’s execution. Pinocchio’s enemies, the Fox and the Cat, bind his arms, pass a noose around his throat, and hang him from the branch of an oak tree.

A loud sound of material is heard as the Pinocchio doll leaves the bed at high speed, a tempestuous northerly wind began to blow and roar angrily, and it beat the poor puppet from side to side, making him swing violently, like the clatter of a bell ringing for a wedding. And the swinging gave him atrocious spasms...His breath failed him and he could say no more. He shut his eyes, opened his mouth, stretched his legs, gave a long shudder, and hung stiff and insensible.

Pinocchio is a wooden marionette (a puppet that is manipulated with wires) and not a hand puppet (directly controlled from inside by the puppeteer's hand). But the piece of wood from which he is derived is animated, and so Pinocchio moves independently. Basically good, he often gets carried away by bad company and is prone to lying. His nose will become longer and longer once he starts lying to others. Because of these characteristics he often finds himself in trouble.

Only the Blue doll that was underneath Pinocchio manages to stay on the bed as the sergeant looks down more content that the immoral suggestion has been taken away.
Pinocchio undergoes transformations during the novel: he promises The Fairy with Turquoise Hair to become a real boy, flees with Candlewick to the Land of Toys, becomes a donkey, joins a circus, and becomes a puppet again. In the last chapter, out of the mouth of "The Terrible Dogfish" with Geppetto, finally stops being a puppet and becomes a real boy (thanks to the intervention of the Fairy in a dream). The nose appears only a couple of times in the story, but it reveals the Blue Fairy's power over Pinocchio when he acts disobediently. After struggling and weeping over his deformed nose, the Blue Fairy summons woodpeckers to peck it back to normal.

Sergeant Howie is searching from house to house and from place to place as the camera slowly pans down from the top of an old stone house.Stone Walls are a kind of masonry construction that has been used for thousands of years. The first stone walls were constructed by farmers and primitive people by piling loose field stones into a dry stone wall, Later mortar and plaster were used, especially in the construction of city walls, castles and other fortifications before the Middle Ages. These stone walls are spread throughout the world in different forms. One of the best example is the Cyclopean Wall in Rajgir, India.

Suddenly the sergeant appears as he makes his way out of a darkened door way.

Stone walls are usually made of local materials varying from limestone and flint to granite and sandstone. However, the quality of building stone varies greatly, both in its endurance to weathering, resistance to water penetration and in its ability to be worked into regular shapes before construction. Worked stone is usually known as ashlar, and is often used for corners in stone buildings.

As the sergeant walks onto the grass in front of him he turns to his right and looks up behind him at the ceiling of the old stone building as he continues to walk to his right, (An old rope blows slightly in the wind from left to right that is wrapped around some metal junk and blue pipes.)
Granite is very resistant to weathering, while some limestones are very weak. Other limestones, such as Portland sone, are more weather resistant. Large structures are usually made of very thick walls, so that castles and cathedrals possess walls which may be up to 12 feet thick. They normally consist of a layered stone exterior and rubble infill.

The sergeant is working off his own gut feeling and instinct as he searches around the small town, Howie has made his way down some stairs that leads into a back garden as is attempting to gain access to a door in front of him. The sergeant pushes the handle down and pushes with both hands but the door seems to be locked and will not open. ) A low level grinding sound is heard as the door handel is pushed down)

The sergeant grimaces as he raises his left leg to the door panel in an attempt to force the door open, The sergeant then pushes with both hands against the window and door handle. The sergeant pushes down with his right leg to increase the pressure as a loud wooden thud sound is heard, The door suddenly opens as the sergeants right leg slides down the wood from the exertive forces. (More wooden sliding sounds are heard)

The door opens at speed to allow the sergeant unauthorized access,

The sergeant quickly steps into the property to continue his investigations. (The green grasses sway rapidly from the cool breeze)

As the sergeant enters inside the property he turns to his right as he walks into a downstairs room, Something has caught the officers full attention and he will investigate,

The sergeant has noticed a large wooden chest that has the lid raised, A pair of red slippers protrude from the end of the chest from out of a black blanket, The sergeant slowly lowers his left hand towards the first slipper to his right. The sound of a young girl singing at a high pitched tone of voice is heard ( Baa Baa black sheep have you any wool,)

Sergeant Howie pulls on the blanket so that he can lift it up and over the wooden chest to find out what is underneath. The last word Wool is stretched and prolonged for 5 seconds in a continuous and long expression.

All is revealed as the sergeant discards the black blanket to the floor, A large 60's Soft Toy Clown is visibly laying inside the chest, ♫ (Yes Sir Yes Sir Three bags Full) The word Full is also heightened and prolonged for 5 seconds,

Test Card F is a test card that was created by the BBC and used on television in the United Kingdom and in countries elsewhere in the world for more than four decades. Like other test cards, it was usually shown while no programmes were being broadcast. It was the first to be transmitted in colour in the UK and the first to feature a person, and has become an iconic British image regularly subject to parody. The central image on the card shows eight-year-old Carole Hersee (born 1958) playing Noughts and Crosses with a clown doll, Bubbles the Clown, surrounded by various greyscales and colour test signals used to assess the quality of the transmitted picture. It was first broadcast on 2 July 1967 (the day after the first colour pictures appeared to the public on television) on BBC2.

The card was developed by a BBC engineer, George Hersee (1924–2001), father of the girl in the central image. It was frequently broadcast during downtime on BBC1 until that channel began to broadcast 24 hours a day in November 1997, and on BBC2 until its downtime was replaced entirely by Pages of Ceefax in 1998, after which it was only seen during engineering work, and was last seen in this role in 1999. The card was also seen on ITV in the 1970s, occasionally used in conjunction with Test Card G. In the digital age, Test Card F and its variants are very infrequently broadcast, as downtime in schedules has largely become a thing of the past. Several variations of TCF have been screened, among them Test Card J (digitally enhanced), Test Card W (widescreen) and its high definition variant, which is sometimes erroneously referred to as Test Card X.
Image Above - Miss Hersee, better known as the "Test Card girl", said she was "bemused" that the BBC had reintroduced its most famous test card, which features her as an eight-year-old girl playing noughts and crosses on a blackboard with a toy clown.
"I had absolutely no idea it was being brought back," she said. "The BBC didn't tell me anything about it. I thought it had all gone away for good, but I suppose I don't mind that it is being brought back."
Miss Hersee, Now 60, who lives in the New Forest, Hants, with her mother and her two teenage children, said that she was surprised the BBC had not updated the image.
"I am a bit bemused as I would have thought they would want to modernise it, but if they feel it is suitable to use after all these years, then fine," she said. "I suppose the feeling of nostalgia is all around at the moment."

Sergeant Howie is satisfied that the wooden chest does not harbor a young missing girl so he moves on over to a white door just a few feet away, A picture on the wall depicts a map of the archipelago of Hebridean islands that surround Summerisle, The sergeant is silent as he gently rests his left hand onto the white door just before his intention to enter has initialized.

A low level wooden click is heard as the sergeant looks down and pushes open the elusive door,

The sergeant immediately looks inside the door to see what he can see, The sergeants eyes widen with slight shock at the scene in front of him,

To the officers dismay a woman stares back at the sergeant in a sexually provocative way, She is bathing and is completely naked while enjoying a hot and flaming open fire, The woman in question is the Librarian who the sergeant met earlier on in his investigations at the Register for Births and Deaths office, The librarian moves her head slightly as she covers her left breast with her right hand, She shows no signs of distress or has any urge to cover herself, She looks at the sergeant with sensual and provocative inclinations and is a completely different character to the one she portrayed at her work place. (A fast paced violin begins to play)

As the Librarian stares in an alluring and seductive manner she slowly raises her right hand to her mouth while placing her thumb inside her mouth, She continues to stare at the officer with suggestive and provocative eyes as the officer looks on in silence.

The Librarian begins to suck on her thumb as she pushes it deeper into her mouth without a care in the world, This must be very puzzling and damning for the sergeant as he watches the woman attempt to seduce him.

The sergeant is taken back as he mumbles on his words, The sergeant say's, I'm sorry as he looks over at the Librarian as he tries his hardest to hide his embarrassment.

The sergeant looks down at the naked and soaped body of the Librarian for a few short seconds before looking back at the mesmerizing woman as his will power gets the better of him, The sergeant then backs away from the door and closes it behind him.

A low level and high pitched wooden sound is heard as the door shuts over, A blue and frilly garment attached to the back of the door swings gently from side to side as the door closes.

Sergeant Howie has made his way to yet another house as he pushes the door open with his left hand and lets himself in uninvited, (A flute is heard)

The sergeant steps inside to continue his investigations unperturbed. The house owner can be seen stood to the right of the door as the sergeant makes his way in.

The sergeant makes his way into the front room as he begins to search further using his highly trained observational skills. A small cabinet adjacent to a closed closet has a variety of items placed on top, These include a small leather purse, An old photograph of a young boy, A wooden carry tray that is propped up against the back of the cabinet, A blue hat or clothing of some kind, and a brass deer attached to a wooden mount.

The sergeant picks up the brass deer by the horns with his left hand (Black purse moves slightly) before holding the deer's right side wooden mount with his right hand, Howie observes the antique item and is pondering the connection between Lord Summerisle's castle and the islanders deep and dark interest with animals and fish.

The sergeant continues to look at the brass deer as he holds it up by the wooden mount with his right hand,

As the sergeant looks down at the brass deer in deep thought he is suddenly startled by a loud wooden noise from the adjacent closet, Without any warning the door of the closet swings open to reveal a young girl standing there who just looks forward into outer space, As the door swings open at speed a loud wooden bang is heard including rattling of coat hangars and other items, The girl is silent and is in some sort of trance state as she looks ahead with her hands by her side. As quick as the girl appears is as quick as she falls as she suddenly leans over falling forward towards the floor.

The sergeant is shocked at the strange and unusual sight as the girl falls, Because of the speed at how it happened the sergeant can not react in time and has to watch as the girl falls head first towards the ground. As the sergeant stares at the girl he instantly reacts to the noise and shock by placing the brass deer back to inside the cabinet with his right hand without realizing his actions at a rapid speed.

The sergeant opens his mouth wide with shock and concern for the girl but can do nothing. The girl is destined to crash head first into the ground which is a very unusual thing for the sergeant to witness.

A loud thud is heard as the girl hits the floor, The sergeant turns his head and looks at the girl who is now laying flat to the floor as he rests his right hand onto the black leather purse.

The girl lays on the floor completely motionless and silent, She does not cry or does she show any signs of pain or distress, Howie is concerned for the girl and slowly reaches down with his right hand to check to see that the girl is Okay.

All is strangely silent as the sergeant opens his hand and places his four fingers over the girls long black hair,

Howie uses his right thumb as he scrunches his hand slightly to lift the girls hair away from her face, As the officer slowly pulls the girls long black hair away from her face her facial expression is evident, She still shows no signs of distress except for an injured and bleeding mouth and just stares blankly ahead in silence and is also completely motionless.

Suddenly the girls left eye looks directly up at the concerned police officer as she lays on the floor, She is still silent and motionless but is acting very strange and the officer is finding the situation rather bizarre at this point.

As the officer moves his right hand slowly down the girls back the girl suddenly becomes responsive, She smiles wildly and begins to giggle ecstatically at the police officers dilemma, The girl is playing a sick type of game with the officer and is enjoying every moment of it, Apart from the girls face her body continues to lay motionless across the carpet.

A few seconds pass with the girl giggling before she decides to stand up, She pushes off the floor with both hands to the officers surprise.

The girl he he he's and chuckles with fun and excitement as she stands up and disappears from the room,

The sergeants image reflects from a large mirror as he looks at the escaping girl then down with disappointment and contemplation, He does not chase the girl but decides he will let her go as he knows the town is completely mad and his intervening is now only making things much much worse.

The sergeant has left the house with the falling girl and is now on his next port of call, The sergeant will not stop and is determined to find Rowan Morrison even if it drives him insane,

The sergeant is looking down as he walks at a fairly fast pace.

An elderly spinster is busy weaving a grey coloured garment as she looks down at her wheel, The weaving wheel spins at a high speed producing a low level intermittent vibration of sound.
Suddenly the elderly lady looks up and is taken by surprise as Sergeant Howie brushes passed the front of her, He has invited himself in without asking as he moves left and over to a large window, The elderly woman turns her head as she watches the officer make his way to the scenic view point but is silent and does not interfere with the sergeants investigations. As the sergeant reaches the window he raises his right hand and pulls the right side curtain open further, A loud sound of hooks skating across there support rail is heard as the sergeant snatches at speed.

A spinning wheel is a device for spinning thread or yarn from natural or synthetic fibers, Spinning wheels were first used in India, between 500 and 1000 A.D. Spinning machinery, such as the spinning jenny and spinning frame displaced the spinning wheel during the Industrial Revolution.

Sergeant Howie looks out and into the distance at a large boat that is moored on the shoreline,

As the sergeant continues to observe the beautiful boat the camera begins to zoom in much closer to the boat at high speed.

The large Galleon has a wooden ladder and a figure head of a mermaid with tresses and sculptured curls at the prowl, A large steel anchor is also visible including large silver chains and a closed up sail. The sergeant continues to admire the large galleon with an air of suspicion and discovery, He is now impelled to explore further.

A figurehead is a carved wooden decoration found at the prow of ships, generally of a design related to the name or role of a ship. They were predominant between the 16th and 20th centuries, and modern ships' badges fulfill a similar role. Although earlier ships had often had some form of bow ornamentation (e.g. the eyes painted on the bows of Greek and Phoenician galleys, the Roman practice of putting carvings of their deities on the bows of their galleys, and the Viking ships of ca. A.D. 800–1100), the general practice was introduced with the galleons of the 16th century, as the figurehead as such could not come to be until ships had an actual stemhead structure on which to place it. The menacing appearance of toothy and bug-eyed figureheads on Viking ships also had the protective function of warding off evil spirits. The Egyptians placed figures of holy birds on the prow while the Phoenicians used horses representing speed. The Ancient Greeks used boars' heads to symbolise acute vision and ferocity while Roman boats often mounted a carving of a centurion representing valour in battle. In northern Europe, serpents, bulls, dolphins and dragons were customary and by the 13th Century, the swan was used representing grace and mobility.

Image Above - Here’s the bow of Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory, from the early nineteenth century.

Image Above - The British frigate Unicorn was launched in 1824 with the striking decoration (shown above.)
In Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, it was once believed that spirits/faeries called Kaboutermannekes (gnomes, little men, faeries) dwelt in the figureheads. The spirit guarded the ship from sickness, rocks, storms, and dangerous winds. If the ship sank, the Kaboutermannekes guided the sailors' souls to the Land of the Dead. To sink without a Kaboutermanneke condemned the sailor's soul to haunt the sea forever, so Dutch sailors believed. A similar belief was found in early Scandinavia/Vikings. During the period from the 17th to the 18th centuries the carved subjects of figureheads varied from representations of saints to patriotic emblems such as the unicorns or lions popular on English ships. When the ship was named after a royal or naval personage the head and bust of the individual might be shown. As with the stern ornamentation, the purpose of the figurehead was often to indicate the name of the ship in a non-literate society (albeit in a sometimes very convoluted manner); and always, in the case of naval ships, to demonstrate the wealth and might of the owner. At the height of the Baroque period, some ships boasted gigantic figureheads, weighing several tons and sometimes twinned on both sides of the bowsprit.

Image Above of a carved pine figure head, A large figurehead, being carved from massive wood and perched on the very foremost tip of the hull, adversely affected the sailing qualities of the ship. This, and cost considerations, led to figureheads being made dramatically smaller during the 18th century, and in some cases they were abolished altogether around 1800. After the Napoleonic wars they made something of a comeback, but were then often in the form of a small waist-up bust rather than the oversized full figures previously used. The clipper ships of the 1850s and 1860s customarily had full figureheads, but these were relatively small and light. During their final stage of common usage figureheads ranged in length from about 18 inches (45 centimetres) to 9 feet (2.7 metres).

Image Above - The figurehead of the Cutty Sark (1869) photo by Alexey Suloev. Figureheads as such died out with the military sailing ship. In addition the vogue for ram bows meant that there was no obvious place to mount one on battleships. An exception was HMS Rodney which was the last British battleship to carry a figurehead. Smaller ships of the Royal Navy continued to carry them. The last example may well have been the sloop HMS Cadmus launched in 1903. Early steamships sometimes had gilt scroll-work and coats-of-arms at their bows. This practice lasted up until about World War 1. The 1910 German liner SS Imperator originally sported a large bronze figurehead of an eagle (the Imperial German symbol) standing on a globe. The few extra feet of length added by the figurehead made the Imperator the longest ship in the world at the time of her launch. It is still common practice for warships to carry ships badges, large plaques mounted on the superstructure with a unique design relating to the ship's name or role. For example, Type 42 Destroyers of the Royal Navy, which are named after British cities, carry badges depicting the coat of arms of their namesake, On smaller vessels, the billethead might be substituted. This was a smaller, non figurative carving, most often a curl of foliage.

The water is quite choppy as the camera slowly pans to the right. (An upbeat violin plays)

Sergeant Howie has decided he will go and investigate the large Galleon to see if he can find anything that will help him to locate Rowan Morrison and to educate him some more on the goings on of the islanders, Howie takes a small boat over to the large ship as he climbs up the wooden ladder over the prow of the ship and onto the main deck, Howie lifts his right leg and then his left leg over onto the deck as he observes his environment, Howie is alone on the galleon as he does not want to be disturbed or lose his concentration. Empty timber boxes that are used to store and transport Apples are stacked in a large pile further ahead. Howie drops down a few feet as he lowers himself carefully with both hands before releasing his right and then his left hand.

Image Above - Pirate Ship Galleon Deck Plan.

Howie quickly walks along the main deck towards the quarter deck as he investigates further.

Howie continues to walk along the deck until he arrives at a door that leads into the navigation room to his right. Howie raises his left hand as he pulls at the door, Suddenly a loud click is heard as the handel is pulled open.

Howie pulls the door open with his right hand and makes his way inside.

Howie has a hunch that there might be something of interest inside the navigation room, After a few moments of searching the sergeant notices a fish mask that he picks up with his left hand. A sound of scrunching paper is heard from the fish masks composition of leathery materials and silver paint.

Howie examines the fish mash as he takes hold of it with his right hand also, The sergeant is looking inside the back of the mask just before you put it over your head as he turns to face forward,

The sergeant then turns the fish mask to one side as he examines it further with intrigue,

The sergeant has finished with the navigation room as he makes his way along the main deck once again, Howie is running at speed as his feet produce light wooden taps across the surface of the old wooden decking.

The camera spins around in a circular motion clockwise as it follows the adventures of Sergeant Howie,

Howie places his left hand onto a white painted cleat that have two circular glass windows fitted that allow light to penetrate below deck, Sergeant Howie reaches some double doors as he raises both of his hands to pull open,

As the sergeant pulls at the steel door to the right it opens revealing a dark inner space.

The sergeant steps into the blackness with his right foot first, He will now investigate the officers quarters for any more clues that might lead to Rowan Morrison's discovery or whereabouts.

Sergeant Howie has made his way back to shore after searching the large Galleon for any clues, He is not in any mood to give up as he reaches a blue door that is part of the Harbour Cottage estate.

The sergeant tries the door with his left hand as he is in no mood to knock or negotiate to be allowed inside. Maybe if he catches some of the residents off guard he may discover something.

A wooden clack is heard as the sergeant raises his left hand and pushes while turning the door handle with his right.
Image Above - The Wicker Man' Filming Locations: Harbour Cottage Gallery, Kirkcudbright
In Sergeant Howie's desperate search for Rowan Morrison, he is seen knocking on the door of what is now the Harbour Cottage Gallery.

The electronic organ begins to speed up in tempo, Sergeant Howie has invited himself in to the local bakery, From this bakery many items of food are made including bread, cakes and biscuits. Several Sun God breads rest to a back wall including an abundance of sweet sponge cakes. A rumbling sound is heard from a large industrial flour mixer.

The large silver drum turns around in a clockwise motion at a medium speed while a mixing utensil continuously dips into the flour as it twists around in a clockwise motion also.

The flour is churned and loosened so that the bread will be consistent and soft and springy to the touch.

The mixing utensil has a large blade attached to the front similar to a sickle that penetrates deep down into the flour to ensure an even mix.

John MacGreagor who is the local baker for Summerisle is busy baking a giant Inca relic bread, These breads are huge in size and will feed many hungry islanders over the May Day period. John MacGreagor begins to pull out the hot baking tray with his right hand.

A loud metallic banging and rattling is heard as the tray slides out half way at speed as the baker pulls with his left hand also.

The hot casket shaped baking tin stops dead from the first pull and MacGreagor pulls again with both hands to bring it fully out of the hot oven.

As the casket of hot bread slides out for it's second turn Macgreagor removes his right hand from the right side of the tin as he pulls further with his left hand. MacGreagor then stands to his right as he looks in at the well cooked relic. The baker removes his left hand then he removes his right before placing it back to the top of the tin. A guitar begins to produce random twangs similar to Santana.

Sergeant Howie is watching the baker and is showing some interest in the preparation and types of bread that are being produced, Howie say's to the baker with intrigue, What's that? - The baker replies as he looks down at his master creation, The life of the fields.

John MacGreagor stares at the sergeant with a hint of happiness and is more than willing to explain to him any information he so desires. MacGreagor then replies "John Barleycorn as the sergeant makes his way over to his right.
In English folklore, John Barleycorn is a character who represents the crop of barley harvested each autumn. Equally as important, he symbolizes the wonderful drinks which can be made from barley -- beer and whiskey -- and their effects. In the traditional folksong, John Barleycorn, the character of John Barleycorn endures all kinds of indignities, most of which correspond to the cyclic nature of planting, growing, harvesting, and then death. The Golden Bough, Sir James Frazer cites John Barleycorn as proof that there was once a Pagan cult in England that worshipped a god of vegetation, who was sacrificed in order to bring fertility to the fields. Ultimately, the character of John Barleycorn is a metaphor for the spirit of grain, grown healthy and hale during the summer, chopped down and slaughtered in his prime, and then processed into beer and whiskey so he can live once more.

In early Anglo Saxon Paganism, there was a similar figure called Beowa, or Bēow, and like John Barleycorn, he is associated with the threshing of the grain, and agriculture in general. The word beowa is the Old English word for - you guessed it! - barley. Some scholars have suggested that Beowa is the inspiration for the titular character in the epic poem Beowolf, and other theorize that Beowa is directly linked to John Barleycorn. In Looking for the Lost Gods of England, Kathleen Herbert suggests that they are in fact the same figure known by different names hundreds of years apart.

Three more sun god shaped breads rest on a metal shelf, theses breads are to help and remind the islanders that it is Nuada that provides the sunshine.

Sergeant Howie has now made his way over to the local fishmongers, An elderly man call John Young maintains a busy and successful business as he enthusiastically explains to the officer the contents of a wooden cupboard, John Young raises his left hand and points towards the cupboard as he say's to the officer, What's in here? after being questioned by the sergeant.

John young takes a quick step to his right as he places both hands onto the cupboard door knobs,

A wooden click is heard as the double doors open to reveal a large May Day costume that John Young has carefully stored inside.

Sergeant Howie say's with intrigue, What's that?, John Young replies with zeal, That's my costume.

John Young continues as he speaks with an air of sophistication and complete dedication, The Salmon of knowledge.

Flute sounds mingle with the guitar strings as the camera begins to slowly pan downwards towards the floor of the meat fridge.

Sergeant Howie has now made his way over to the local butchers as he tries to locate Rowan Morrison. The sergeant is leaving no stone unturned and now considers the islanders capable of anything.

The local butcher also has an animal mask and wants to show the sergeant what it looks like when he puts it on,

The butcher quickly raises the cow mask to his head with both hands as he carefully positions it in front of him.

The butcher holds the mask up high as he demonstrates to the officer what he will be wearing for the celebrations later on today. The mask wobbles slightly from side to side as it momentarily produces a ruffling sound before the butcher keeps it nice and steady.

The door is slowly closing as the camera zooms in, A loud sound of a very deep guitar base note is heard.

Sergeant Howie has just entered inside the building as he continues his investigations.

A light tapping of the sergeants feet can be head as he enters into a coffin storage room, The sergeant is alone as he searches the room for any clues, To the left of the sergeant a large Bone Dust extraction Vacuum cleaner can be seen but it has seen better days and now lies broken and requiring major repair work.

Unit ships complete with vacuum nozzle adapter and owner's manual.
115 volt, 8.5 amps.
Reduced noise level.
Powerful enough for even the smallest particles.
Disposable filter cartridge traps more dust particles without clogging and is easy and safe to replace.
10 foot power cord.
Bargain price $2,965.50

The perfect companion for your Bone Vacuum cleaner. Unit ships complete with 2.5in/6cm diameter sectioned blade with arbor, wrench, owner's manual and registration card.
Cool operation gives greater user comfort.
Reduced noise level.
Teflon housing cleans easily.
11in/27cm length, 3lbs 4oz weight.
~230V Transformer available(Optional).

During autopsies, an open oscillating saw produces large quantities of respirable bone-dust, which is able to carry microbes over several metres. Experiments were done using a modified (open) undulation saw (spray tube to moisten the saw-blade with water). Saw-dust was asservated with culture media. Colonies were identified macroscopically. Microbes in the air were quantified (per unit of time). A remarkable reduction of saw-dust is done by an integrated spray tube using water. There remains a contamination at the head of the autopsy table in the level of the table top. We found a complete decontamination 150 cm above the floor. No spreading of particles carrying microbes was seen over distances of more than 1.5 m. The risk of an airborne infection is minimal when using a manual saw (absence of grinding-dust). The modified type of an 'oscillating saw with a spray-tube' may be considered a practicable compromise between a manual saw and an unprotected undulation saw. It is necessary to complete the precautions against airborne infections by breath masks and safety-goggles.

The sergeant looks to his left as he begins to gain more knowledge on the contents of the coffin work room,

The sergeant steps up two short stairs before stopping and evaluating the cluttered work room,

Sergeant Howie is interested in the unopened caskets as he may find a dead person inside, The sergeant places both of his hands onto the edge of the first coffin as he attempts to lift up the lid to reveal it's contents. One coffin at the front of the room has a name scribbled onto the inside being McClenpy

With a rapid speed the sergeant lifts up the coffin lid as he looks down inside the open space, (A light sound of rubbing wood is heard.)
Howie looks inside for a few short seconds before closing the lid again convinced that there is nothing inside of any importance.

A loud wooden thudding is heard as the coffin lid is replaced back down, as the lid is lowered back Howie removes his left hand and places it to the far side of the coffin before releasing his right hand.

As the heavy lid is dropped back down the sergeant suddenly grimaces as he rapidly lifts his right hand up after nipping the skin on the corner of the lid.

The sergeant raises his right hand to his mouth as he sucks on his index finger to try and reduce the pain,

As the sergeant continues to suffer he bangs his left hand down palm facing onto the coffin lid as he shows signs of annoyance and slight stupidity. The sergeant is looking across the table at the second closed coffin and will no doubt be lifting the lid on that one too.

Birds can be heard tweeting softly but all is silent without any sound score. As the sergeant walks around the first coffin he continues to suck on his finger, Light footsteps are produced, The sergeant lowers his right hand as he looks down at the floor at something. (A sound of scrunching leaves is fleetingly heard.)

Howie places his left hand to his left knee as he bends further down at something on the floor,

Suddenly the sergeant loses the interest and stands upright as he faces the second coffin, Howie places both of his hands to the coffin lid as he prepares to lift it up.

The sergeant also lifts the second coffins lid at a robust speed. (More wooden sounds are heard)

As the lid is raised all is starting to be revealed as an old lady is quite clearly visible from inside,

More grinding of wood is heard as the lid is fully lifted and slides to a resting position to the far side of the coffin.

The dead body wobbles slightly from side to side as the lid is removed. An electric guitar begins to play a high pitched melody at a medium pace of notes, Another instrument begins to play similar to a double bass consisting of another deep base line at a fast pace and then another low guitar strumming sound. To the officers shock and dismay an elderly woman lays silent and motionless in the coffin with a single gold coin in each eye. Her left hand is either missing or severely injured as a small amount of blood is visible. The lady may of succumbed to her hand injury but there is no signs of decomposing at this stage, The police officer considers this discovery very strange and quite bizarre as a dead corpse belongs in a morgue refrigerator until the time comes for them to be buried or cremated. As it is May Day celebrations today the officer concludes it does not seem likely that she will be taken care of. In order to cross the river Styx, the deceased need to pay the ferryman Charon. Only after this are they welcome into the afterlife. During the burial, the living place coins either in the mouth or on the eyes of the deceased so that they can pay this fee. The custom is found archaeologically among Greek, Roman and a variety of Western European cultures. It is found in the 5th c. BCE all the way until the early 20th century. It is also a symbol of protection or a metaphorical food for the deceased. This rather famous practice is also found in popular culture such as the placement of the coins in the eyes after each kill in the Boondock Saints. While this practice is fairly well known, it isn’t the only magical object found in graves that is meant to ferry the individual into the afterlife or give protection.

Loud cheering and laughter is heard from the residents of Summerisle as they continue to celebrate the May Day festival, The bells from Oak's snap dragon jingle loudly.

A wooden yak sound is heard as Oak snaps the mouth of the snap dragon, A man wearing a green jumper to the left is bending down as he raises his left arm for a split second and then again as his hand brushes over the red silky material of Oak's costume, The man is enjoying the colors the feel and the sounds from the snap dragons elaborate cotton threads as he bends over with interest.

Many people are now waiting and accumulating outside the town hall as they laugh and chatter among themselves, Lord Summerisle instructed his followers to meet up at 3.00 sharp for the next phase of the may day celebrations, Three men wearing red white and blue shirts and animal masks stand at the top of the stairs as they look down at the excited crowd, An elderly man who wears a white woolen jumper and has faded white hair sits on a wall as he raises his right hand high as he waves it from side to side, A man wearing a blue jumper behind the snap dragon leans down and strikes the bottom of the oval dress lightly with a stick, A man wearing a dark brown jumper and black hair also leans over and hits the bottom of the costume with a stick.

The man to the furthest left wearing a red shirt and blue tie raises his right hand once then twice as he shouts out loudly wooh. He continues to hold his left hand up in the air as he celebrates the happy occasion, The elderly man wearing a white jumper now raises his left hand as he waves both hands up and down, Oak is repeatedly snapping the jaws of the snap dragon as it produces a wooden yak yak yak sound over and over, Other people are waving and bouncing up and down with excitement and happiness.

Another man stood high up on the stone stairs turns to his left as he confers with another man wearing a purple jumper just a few feet lower, The grave digger is present to the right hand side, he still wears his mucky overalls and brandishes a bauble in his left hand, A large John Barleycorn bread is also visible to the center right. The chemist and part time photographer T.H.Lennox is also visible, among the crowd, He can be seen to the far right carrying an old camera and wearing a fox's face mask. Another elderly man comes into view, He is dancing and jigging to the sounds and the atmosphere while wearing an animal mask also.

The snap dragon twists around as the material and fabrics flow in and out.

Oak continues to snap the mouth of the dragon as he twists around.

Sergeant Howie has finished searching house to house for the time being as he returns back to The Green Man pub, Howie appears from the left hand side as Willow shines a wine glass with her left hand while holding the cloth with her right, Willow moves her left hand up and down in a rapid movement as she thoroughly shines the glass.

A high pitched keyboard note is heard that ends quickly with a deep base drum sound, Willow looks up at the sight and sound of the sergeant as he makes his way into the public bar, Willow stops shining as she holds the wine glass up with her right hand to quickly evaluate it's cleanliness and shine.

Willow speaks to the sergeant with a wide smile of happiness as she say's, Hello, You're back early. Willow lowers the glass as she continues to rub it with the cloth. The brown double doors swing in and out as Howie pushes his way through.

Willow pauses momentarily from her friendly conversation with the officer as she gives out a wide and beaming smile of tenderness and happiness.

Willow continues as she shines the glass, Where are the other coppers?

As Willow looks down at the wine glass Howie replies with slight disappointment and frustration at still not being able to find the missing girl, He say's, There aren't any, Howie raises his left hand and places a white handkerchief to his nose.

Howie stands on the spot as he dabs his nose a couple of times with the handkerchief, Howie hesitates then replies, The plane wouldn't start.

Willow smirks as she faces away from the sergeant,

Willow takes a few steps to her right as she places the cleaned wine glass down onto the top of the bars surface with her left hand. (A low level thud is heard)

Willow bends down to retrieve another wine glass from beneath the bar,

The sergeant appears from the left as he stands by the bar, Willow looks at the sergeant but is silent as Alder removes a small amount of notes from the tills bottom tray. Alder does not seem in a good mood and is a little complacent as he avoids eye contact with the officer.

Howie places his police hat down onto the bars surface with his left hand as he looks down at his left hand, Howie begins to lightly scrunch the white handkerchief by placing his left hand over his right before taking his left hand away. Howie say's to Alder, Give me a glass of Whiskey, please.

Howie looks away from Alder as he fumbles with the white handkerchief as Alder say's, So he spent his time instead turning the whole village upside down.

Willow smiles at the sergeant as the sergeant fumbles with his jacket with his left hand,

The sergeant is in no good mood either and does not appreciate Alders comment, The sergeant replies with slight vexation as he raises his voice, Just give me a glass of Whiskey!

Alder passes a glass of whisky over to the sergeant with his right hand as he say's, No wonder he's worn out.

The sergeant takes the glass with his right hand as he looks down at the strong spirit,

Both Alder and Willow watch as the sergeant downs the beverage in one large gulp.

The sergeant takes his hat from the bar with his left hand as he rapidly sets the wine glass back down to the bars surface, (A loud sound of glass to wood is heard as the glass wobbles momentarily.) Alder say's with curiosity, Did you find the girl, The sergeant instantly leaves the front of the bar as he walks off to his right.

Both Alder and Willow turn there heads towards the sergeant as he makes his away around the bar.

Willow turns away as she focuses on the wine glass, Alder continues his unconcerned and slightly disrespectful wordplay, No, well, I can't say I'm very surprised.

Alder inhales on his cigarette with his left hand as the sergeant appears from a side door.

The sergeant turns around at the door and looks up at a set of keys that are hanging on small hooks, Alder continues to inhale on his cigarette as a metallic clicking sound is heard from Howie's hand after reaching up for his room key.

Howie turns back around to face Alder after taking his key from the wall and say's, I'm going to rest in my bed for half an hour.

Alder looks down as he flicks his cigarette ash into an ashtray, Willow is wiping her hands with the cotton cloth as the sergeant immediately begins to walk across the inside of the bar towards his room. Howie continues, I do not wish

to be disturbed.

A tapping of feet is heard as the sergeant enters into the second bar towards his room,

As the sergeant makes his way along the bar Alder peeps his head around the corner and say's, I'd stay there until tonight if I was you!

Alder continues, We don't much relish strangers around today!

Willow continues to clean her hands on the bar cloth as Alder watches the sergeant disappear upstairs.

Willow discards the cloth with her right hand as she turns to watch the sergeant along with Alder make his way to his room.

All is very quiet as Sergeant Howie rests on his bed, The sergeant breaths in and out at in a controlled and relaxed manner as he gains his strength and mental thoughts.

Suddenly without warning Willow appears from around the door to Howie's left, She is spying on the sergeant and is very quiet so as not to disturb the sleeping officer.

Willow turns her head and looks down a flight of steps in a way that suggests she is waiting for someone else to also arrive outside the corridor.

Suddenly Willow is heard whispering to Alder, She say's, He's asleep.

The sergeant is only sleeping lightly and has heard Willow's whispering, Howie's eye lids begins to flit up and down as he slowly awakens.

Willow continues to whisper to Alder and say's, I don't like to use it on him, really. Sergeant Howie opens his eyes and lays motionless as he listens to Willows whispering words.

Now both Willow and Alder are staring in at the sleeping sergeant and are planning to do something to him,

Alder say's to Willow in a quiet voice, The laird said we're to take no chances, didn't he?, A low level synthesiser is playing a dark and simple theme,

Willow replies as she looks back in on the sergeant, I know, but with the Hand of Glory

Willow turns to look at Alder again as she continues, there's no telling when you wake.

Willow turns and looks at the sergeant for a fleeting moment before looking back at Alder. Sergeant Howie is listening to everything that Willow and Alder are discussing but is pretending to be asleep so as not to give the game away.

Willow continues, He might sleep for days,

Alder replies with a deep and seedy tone of voice, All the better!

Willow turns back to face Alder as she raises her right index finger to her mouth and hushes Alder to be more quiet, Shh! The sergeant quickly closes his eyes again from Willows hushing so as not to be found out.

Willow turns back around and looks in on the pretending officer as Alder say's, We don't want him butting in,

Alder turns to face Willow and say's, Go on, light it up.

Willow turns and looks in once again at the sergeant with a face of apprehension, Willow puckers and squeezes her lips tightly together as she ponders the sergeants dilemma.

Willow turns back to face Alder as she looks down at a box of matches that she is holding with both hands. A rubbing scratching sound is heard as Willow retrieves a match from the box.

Another striking sound of sand and phosphorus with potassium chlorate is heard as Willow ignites the match with her right hand, A large flame begins to burn including a small amount of silvery smoke as Willow holds the match with her thumb and index finger for a few short seconds.

A guitar begins to play a light chord with the eerie synthesizer sound, Howie reopens his eyes at the sound of the match igniting, He now knows for sure that the local residents of Summerisle know more than he about the disappearance of Rowan Morrison and that his life is now in much danger.

Howies lips move slightly as he stays as still as he possibly can, His eyes also move but he does not blink as he waits for Willow and Alder to complete there strange and quite frightening activities.

Some kind of object is obscured behind the wall and could be a Hand of Glory as Willow reaches over with her right hand and ignites it with the burning match.

Alder watches as the hidden object becomes ignited with excitement and evil thoughts as Willow blows out the remainder of the lit match.

Willow lowers her hands as she discards the match with her right hand, Willow suddenly turns back around as she looks back at the sergeant asleep on his bed.

Willow carefully begins to walk into the sergeants room.

A light tapping is heard as Willow carefully steps up a few short stairs as she continues to focus on the sleeping man, Willow still holds a box of matches in her left hand as she approaches the officer.

The sergeants eye lids flit slightly as he continues his sleeping game, A loud thud is heard, A flute begins to accompany the sound score.

Willow has carried out what she needed to do in the sergeants room and is now making her way back out again.

As Willow makes her way out she turns around to look at the sergeant to check that he is still asleep, Willow stops motionless at the door as she say's softly and in a whispering tone, That'll make you sleep, my pretty Sergeant.

Willow watches the sergeant for a few short seconds more as she smiles and pouts her mouth.

Willow turns and leaves the sergeant in peace.

Willow quickly makes her way back down the stairs towards Alder.

Willow produces light footsteps as she meets back with Alder who is still on the landing.

Alder turns around and places his right hand onto Willows left shoulder as he looks directly at her and say's, I'm away to change,

Alder continues as he takes his hand away and say's with a tone of importance, We can't do without Punch, Willow smiles at Alders words as she agrees with his thoughts and shakes her head negatively.

As Alder slowly walks up a small flight of stairs he hesitates then turns back around and say's, You best get on ahead. They've given you girls a five minutes start, haven't they?

Willow nods positively slightly as she raises her left hand and touches Alders left arm before whispering, Goodbye,

Willow quickly descends the staircase back down to the ground floor as Alder turns back around to make his way to the changing room that houses the Punch outfit.

Alder also produces light footsteps as he walks up the few steps to the next alleviated floor level.

Alder turns to his left as he prepares himself for the festival celebrations later on.

Sergeant Howie is playing it safe as he continues to keep his eyes shut.

Slowly but surely the sergeant reopens his eyes after considering it safe to do so, Howie looks to his right and is focused on something in the near distance of his room.

To the horror and shock of the police officer a Hand of Glory has been placed next to his bed with all four fingers and thumb alight, The sergeants eyes open wide with fright as the camera quickly zooms out to reveal the macabre item. A high pitched flute now plays to express the officers dismay, The officer looks at the hand for a few short seconds as his brain tries to take in the bizarre sight before him

The sergeant stares at the Hand Of Glory with intense fear before suddenly grimacing and pushing himself up from his resting position.

Howies left hand raises up at speed as he strikes out at the burning oddity with his right hand. A loud bang and rumbling thud is heard as the Hand of Glory falls to the floor, The Hand of Glory was placed inside a heavy metal candle holder and it is this that produces the almighty bang.

Howie lifts himself up and off from the bed as he now knows that he can't stay at the Green man pub any longer as it has turned hostile towards him.

The Hand of Glory still burns on it's thumb as the large candle holder lays next to it.
The Hand of Glory is the dried and pickled hand of a man who has been hanged, often specified as being the left (Latin: sinister) hand, or, if the man were hanged for murder, the hand that "did the deed."
Old European beliefs attribute great powers to a Hand of Glory combined with a candle made from fat from the corpse of the same malefactor who died on the gallows. The candle so made, lighted, and placed (as if in a candlestick) in the Hand of Glory, would have rendered motionless all persons to whom it was presented. The process for preparing the hand and the candle are described in 18th century documents, with certain steps disputed due to difficulty in properly translating phrases from that era. The concept inspired short stories and poems in the 19th century.

The 1722 Petit Albert describes in detail how to make a Hand of Glory, as cited from him by Grillot de Givry. Take the right or left hand of a felon who is hanging from a gibbet beside a highway; wrap it in part of a funeral pall and so wrapped squeeze it well. Then put it into an earthenware vessel with zimat, nitre, salt and long peppers, the whole well powdered. Leave it in this vessel for a fortnight, then take it out and expose it to full sunlight during the dog-days until it becomes quite dry. If the sun is not strong enough put it in an oven with fern and vervain. Next make a kind of candle from the fat of a gibbeted felon, virgin wax, sesame, and ponie, and use the Hand of Glory as a candlestick to hold this candle when lighted, and then those in every place into which you go with this baneful instrument shall remain motionless.

An actual Hand of Glory is kept at the Whitby Museum in North Yorkshire, England, together with a text published in a book from 1823. In this manuscript text, the way to make the Hand of Glory is as follows: It must be cut from the body of a criminal on the gibbet; pickled in salt, and the urine of man, woman, dog, horse and mare; smoked with herbs and hay for a month; hung on an oak tree for three nights running, then laid at a crossroads, then hung on a church door for one night while the maker keeps watch in the porch-"and if it be that no fear hath driven you forth from the porch ... then the hand be true won, and it be yours"

In Hellboy's Box Full of Evil story and Being Human story, a Hand of Glory is used to paralyze everyone except the holder of the hand.
The second of the Ingoldsby Legends, "The Hand of Glory, or, The Nurse's Story", describes the making and use of a Hand of Glory. The first lines are:
Now open, lock!
To the Dead Man's knock!
Fly, bolt, and bar, and band!
Nor move, nor swerve,
Joint, muscle, or nerve,
At the spell of the Dead Man's hand!
Sleep, all who sleep! -- Wake, all who wake!
But be as the dead for the Dead Man's sake!
In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Draco Malfoy sees a Hand of Glory in Borgin and Burkes, a specialist Dark Arts shop. He is told by Mr. Borgin that it "gives light only to the holder". Draco later buys the hand and uses it in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.