Mathilda then turns to face forward and continues to brush her hair at the front fringes two times in a quick motion to try and remove any tangles.

Mathilda then brushes her right side hair with two fast downward motions with her hand fully outstretched. (A pan note is heard)

Mathilda has been invited into the school and is sat down at a desk inside the head mistresses office, Mathilda has her hands crossed together and is facing across the table to Margaret McAllister. Mathilda is a little shy but is going o try her best to persuade Mrs McAllister to accept her back into the school. Mathilda say's softly as she looks on down at the table, My parents, Mathilda hesitates as she looks back up to face the head mistress as she tries to find the next part of the sentence,

(No sound score exists) Mathilda is rubbing her two thumbs together to help her to control her nervous disposition, Mathilda's eyes shift to the right, Mathilda trips on her words as she tuts, Mathilda looks back down not wanting to face the head mistress as she say's, Died in a, Mathilda looks back up at the head mistress and continues, car accident four weeks ago.

Mathilda nods her head negatively as she looks back down with sadness and disbelief, Mathilda says softly, It was terrible.

The head mistress is silent and has listened to every word Mathilda has said, The head mistress pulls her arms forward and them folds them creating a low level thud,

The head mistress looks down at the table at a slight angle as she raises her eyebrows to begin her response to Mathilda.

The head mistress speaks softly and sternly with professionalism, She say's, You know we didn't have the time to get to know one another when you first came here but... The head mistress hesitates then say's, I want you to know that (The head mistress bends her head slightly to the right as she raises her left eyebrow) and say's, I'm not the kind of woman who'd let down a child.

(Mathilda continues to play with her thumbs in an up and down motion) The head mistress continues as Mathilda listens carefully, "Whatever her situation, whatever her mistake."

The head mistress nods forward as she say's, So I'm going to(Nod)help you and do my(Nod)best to(Nod)welcome you here again.

Mathilda is silent as she listens to the head mistresses words, Mathilda smirks slightly as her eyes shift down then forward down then forward in a fast succession, The head mistress continues, But on one condition,

The head mistress continues with a sincere tone of voice, "You have to stop lying to me Mathilda",

The head mistress smiles at Mathilda as she speaks and Mathilda knows that she cant pull the wool over this womans eyes.

The head mistress lifts her folded arms up slightly then rests them back down on the table ( A low level popping sound is heard) as she say's, I want you to take a chance... and trust me.

Mathilda is silent as she looks at the head mistress then down at the table,

The head mistress continues as she shakes her right hand, Now tell me what happened to you.

Mathilda is looking down then looks up as she say's softly okay, Mathilda hesitates then say's, My family got shot down by DEA officers because of a drug problem. Mathilda hesitates then say's, I lived with the greatest guy on earth, ...He was a hitman, the best in town, But he died this morning, and if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight.

(A slow paced acoustic guitar provides the sound score.) The head mistress is taken back by what Mathilda has just told her, Her mouth opens slightly as she retorts back slightly from the sudden shock of what a 12 year old girl has experienced. The head mistress is silent as she looks at Mathilda pondering on her words and hoping that she is telling the truth.

Mathilda has left the head mistresses office and has decided to go outside into the large open garden, When Mathilda arrived the entrance was empty and silent, Now four girls and an older teenager sit on the stairs at the back of the property talking to each other and relaxing, One girl wearing a blue shirt to the left is reading a magazine while an older female sits on the stairs to the right smoking a cigarette and wearing sunglasses. Mathilda slowly pushes the white door open as she makes her way outside. The older female smoking a cigarette takes a drag as Mathilda comes out of the door.

A light tapping is heard as Mathilda steps out over the door well, Mathilda turns briefly to face the door as she ensures that is has closed fully, The wreath above the door rocks gently from the forces of the door closing. A light click is heard as the door closes too.

Mathilda turns as she begins her journey towards the top of the stairs, Mathilda is carrying Leon's green potted plant with both hands as she makes her way down the stairs. The girl at the top of the stairs with long hair is chatting to the girl wearing an orange top a short step down.

Mathilda looks down carefully as she takes the first step as she does not want to trip with Leon's plant in hand. The older female at the bottom of the stairs raises her right hand to her face and rubs her left side cheeks before lowering her hand again.

Mathilda looks up and into the distance as she reaches the third step down.

The girl wearing an Orange top and the girl at the top of the stairs with long hair notices the new girl and turn there heads towards mathilda as they watch her walk off with the plant in hand.

The girl sat at the top of the stairs wearing a straw hat has also noticed the new girl and joins with the other two girls in watching Mathilda.

Mathilda continues her confident stride out into the garden as the rest of the girls and the older female all watch Mathilda walk off into the distance.

The girl sat at the top of the stairs with long hair raises both of her hands and rests them on her knees placing her right hand over her left as she watches Mathilda,

The older female wearing sun glasses takes another drag of her cigarette. Mathilda is out of view as she continues to walk across the well manicured lawn.

Mathilda walks at a controlled pace across the large garden space. A man to the left can be seen and on all accounts is probably a gardener that keeps the lawns and shrubbery in tip top condition.

The leaves of Leon's plant sway in the cool breeze as Mathilda continues her short journey.

Mathilda is on a special mission with Leon's plant and feels a unique urge to explore the garden.

The older female sat at the bottom of the stairs wearing sun glasses and braided long black hair suddenly turns to face the young girl wearing an orange top, She say's with curiosity as she raises her right hand fingers towards the girls "You know her?

The girl wearing an Orange top suddenly turns around to face the older female and say's "No" at the exact same time the rest of the girls look at the older female and say "No" in unison as they nod there heads negatively, The older female turns her head back around to face forward. The girl reading a book suddenly stops reading as she lowers her left hand from her left side cheek. The girl in the orange top then say's I've never seen her.

Mathilda reaches a spot in the garden and suddenly stops walking.

She quickly bends down to the floor with the plant in her right hand.

A light thud is heard as the ceramic pot hits the ground, Mathilda looks down at the plant in silence and contemplation. Mathilda is feeling sad as the plant means a lot to Mathilda as it is the only thing left to remind her of Leon.. Mathilda then lifts the pot and places it further to her right.

A rustling of leaves is heard as Mathilda begins to pull the earth from within the pot. Mathilda has decided to plant Leon's treasured specimen in the garden grounds of the school, It will be a nice remembrance for her and the plant can live a happy and full life with plenty of rain and sunshine. Leon is dead and will be buried in the earth so it is fitting and just that she also buries the plant in the ground. Mathilda turns to her left as she continues to prepare the plant for planting.

Mathilda bends down lower to the ground as she begins to dig a large enough hole for the plant to go in to.

Mathilda shakes her head to the right as her hair sways from side to side as she looks back down to continue her preperation.

A light sound of wood rubbing against hard earth is heard as Mathilda digs away at the hole with both hands, Mathilda is using a small tree branch to dig out the hole.

Mathilda digs into the ground a few times with both hands before resting her right hand down on to the ground with the branch still in hand.

Mathilda begins to shuffle out loose earth with her left hand to make the hole bigger.

Mathilda quickly places the tree branch back in to the hole as she continues to dig with both hands.

Mathilda has finished digging a suitably bigger enough hole and turns to her right as she picks up the plant with both hands.

Mathilda holds the plant in both hands as she looks down upon it with a sadness and deep emotions.

The plant will always remember her of Leon and this is a fitting end to her experiences.

Mathilda lowers the plant slowly into the hole.

Mathilda is careful to ensure that the plant fits snugly and that there is enough earth for it's roots to take hold.

Mathilda carefully pushes the plant down by it's roots with both hands.

Mathilda then lifts the leaves gently with both hands from a middle point of the plant as she presses down gently onto the leaves.

The leaves move in and out with a springy motion.

Mathilda sits back with both of her hands resting on the ground as she watches the plant take new life.

Mathilda looks down at Leon's plant with contemplation and silence.

Suddenly Mathilda say's softly, I think we'll be Okay here, Leon.

Mathilda continues to look down at Leon's plant and is content and satisfied that she has done the right thing,

Mathilda's new life is now at Spencer School Wildwood New Jersey and she will have plenty of friends and time to come to terms with her ordeal. Mathilda sits next to Leon's plant as she goes into deep thought and emotions.

The camera begins to slowly zoom out as Mathilda contemplates her life and that of Leon.

A track by Sting begins to play entitled "Shape of My Heart" Written by Sting and Dominic Miller.

The camera slowly pans up leaving Mathilda to her thoughts and imagination.

The camera raises high above the trees then slowly sweeps forward.

A large boat slowly travels upstream to the right, A magnificent view of New York City and the Hudson River is the final frame of the movie... The Hudson River is a 315-mile (507 km) river that flows from north to south primarily through eastern New York in the United States. End!

Jean Reno As Leno - The Professional
Gary Oldman As Norman Stansfield
Natalie Portman As Mathilda Lando
Danny Aiello As Tony
Peter Appel As Malky