A festival in simple terms is a celebration of Music or some particular topic, Some festivals concentrate purely on music where as others are dedicated to several things. People attend festivals for entertainment fun education and excitement, They support an explosion of Art Costume Dance Sport Acting and many many more activities and subject, There are many festivals in your country and abroad that you can go to some will be free while others are not. Some festivals will attract many thousands of people and others only a few hundred depending on location and the type of festival, Some festivals will last for only a day but others could be for a few days or even a week, the longest known festival is the Gem Electronic Music Festival which covers over 3000 performances over nine stages, and 500 artists perform. Held on a beach resort near the village of Anaklia in Georgia expect to be there a full month, Any organised event could be classed as a festival and there are many different ones you can attend. The earliest music festival was in Greece in 6 BC so they have been going for a long time, This article will cover some of the more famous festivals and a few not so famous.

Toronto Light Festival

Day of The Dead Festival Mexico
La Tomitina Festival is held in Bunol 25 miles west of Valencia a small town in Spain, This food festival fight is held on the last Wednesday of August each year and is incredibly popular. Many people attend this festival from all over the world as it is the Worlds Biggest Food Fight. Bunols population is around 9000 people but the festival attracts many thousands of people and there is now a cap of 20000 people max. Prior to this cap upto 50000 attended attended in 2012, Because of limited amenities and the sheer scale of 100 metric tons of over ripe tomatoes splattered across the town and the sheer chaos it caused the numbers have been reduced, Now all participants must purchase a valid ticket to enter the fight.

La Tomitina Festival held in Bunol Spain.

Before the festival commences many trucks arrive carrying the haul of tomatoes into the centre of town called Plaza del Pueblo, This sun ripened fruit has come from Extremadura where they are less expensive to purchase. The festival does not start until one brave participant has climbed to the top of a two story high greased up wooden pole, At the top of the pole is the coveted prize a large Spanish ham which you can keep, It can take some time to climb the difficult pole and the festival starts despite no one reaching the meat. The signal to start is a blaze of water cannons and the madness begins, The rules for the fight are generally every person for themselves, The tomato fight lasts approximately one hour and everyone must stop after hearing the second loud shot,

A participant tries to climb the pole for the coveted Spanish Ham.

Trucks deliver over 100 metric tonnes of tomatoes from Extremadura.
Shopkeepers are well prepared for the sloppy mess and cover there storefronts with huge plastic covers to protect them from tomato devastation, Fire trucks are used to clean the streets after the fight is over with water from a Roman aqueduct, It is the participants responsibility to clean themselves and some people go to the Bunol river to wash themselves down, If your lucky some shopkeepers and residents will hose you down. Once the tomato pulp has been flushed the ground is cleaned to remove the acidity of the fruit. You must be prepared for this festival and be sure to have clean clothes close by but safe from tomato, The streets are very clean once it has been cleaned up as the acidic juices cleanse and sterilize the ground,

Rules of the festival
As you and others are throwing tomatoes at each other ensure you dont bring hard or sharp objects that can injure another, Do not rip anyones t-shirts and squash the tomatoes before throwing them to reduce the impact, Keep a safe distance from the lorries and stop throwing after the hour has passed and you hear the second shot,
As it will be complete carnage make sure you can dispose of your shoes clothes after the fight, Don't wear inappropriate shoes like flip flops as you could trip on them, You can wear goggles if you prefer but it is safer to use something clean to wipe your eyes, Tip tuck the bottom of your shirt into your shorts to keep it dry, an extra long shirt might be better for this, If you want to take some pictures bring a waterproof camera and keep it safe, Make sure you have secured accommodation in advance if your not from Bunol,

Shopkeepers prepare for the carnage by covering over there shop fronts with plastic sheeting.
How did the festival start no one is completely certain, The festival started in 1944 or 1945 and some theories include a local food fight among friends, a juvenile class war, a practical joke on a bad musician, a volley of tomatoes from bystanders at a carnival parade or the anarchic aftermath of an accidental lorry spillage, Another is some disgruntled town people attacked city councilmen with tomatoes during a town celebration, What ever started this festival does not matter as it is enjoyed year in and year out. It was banned during the Spanish state period under Francisco Franco for having no religious significance but returned in the 1970's after his demise, The festival is is honor of the towns patron saints Luis Bertrand and the Mare de Deu dels Desemparats meaning (Mother of God of the Defenceless) a title of the virgin Mary.

Francisco Franco was a Spanish General who ruled over Spain as a military dictator from 1939 until 1975 The period is referred to as Francoist Spain.

St Louis Bertrand born 1st January 1526 Died 9th October 1581 was a Spanish Dominican who preached in South America during the 16th Century and is known as the Apostle to the America's. He is the town's patron saint of Bunol.

Mare de Deu dels Desemparats is the patroness of Valencia and a Catholic Apparition. She is also the patron saint of Bunol.
Another theory as to how the festival started is in 1945, The Giants and big heads figures parade was taking place on the last Wednesday of august 1945 and some young people were attending, Some of these had a great desire to sit among the Giants and Big Head figures, In the mayhem one person fell off onto the ground and in a fit of rage began hitting everyone in his path, This just made things worse as there was a market stall close by loaded with fruit and vegetables, The furious crowd started to pelt everyone with the soft fruit and veg and a chaotic fight ensured until local police stopped the mayhem, The following year local people brought there own tomatoes by there own choice to throw st unsuspecting spectators this made history even though the young boys were completely imperative of it, La Tomatina was banned in the early 50's but did not pose a problem for the participants and some were arrested, But word got around and the festival continued a way to get things of ones chest have a tomato fight. The festival was yet again cancelled until 1957 when a sign of protest a tomato burial was carried out, A large tomato was carried in a coffin as a demonstration to allow the festival to continue, The coffin was marched through the town accompanied by a band playing sombre music and was eventually buried with a pray no doubt.
A prayer that might of been said,

La Tomatina 2016

La Tomatina Festival 2017
Dear God please let lay this juicy and lonely tomato it has done no wrong,
Only we the people are responsible for its passing and we ask that you bless this tomato and send it off to tomato world where it will live a very happy life with all its other tomato friends and family.
Please give us strength to continue the La Tomatina festival to help us the people to get on with others and to take away are built up insecurities and problems.
May we grow bigger and better fruit and get on with each other the way in which you intended.
Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes Trailer - A Musical Horror Black Comedy from 1978.

Eventually the festival became known to the entire world and is now a Festivity of International tourist interest so labelled by the secretary of the department of tourism due to its immense success.
Bunol is situated along the Bunol river and is surrounded by mountain ranges called La Sierra de Las Cabrillas, la sierra de Dos Aguas and la Sierra de Malacara
The economy there is a mixture of agriculture and industry, Carob trees Almond trees, Fruit trees, olive trees and grapes, Archaeological evidence suggests civilization in Bunol goes back at least 50000 years and population today is around 10000 people.

Bunol in Spain located 38 km West of Valencia.

The mayor of Bunol Rafael Perez has said there is a fine line between bullying and what is not, and the town hall in Bunol has urged participants not to use the festival as an excuse to bully or carry out any sexist behaviour, Security was stepped up in 2017 with fears of a terrorist attack, Terrorist's struck in Barcelona and the coastal town of Cambrils in 2017 killing over 16 people so security has been increased due to this concern, Islamic state had confirmed that they were responsible for the atrocity. over 700 police, firefighters paramedics and volunteers are working to ensure a smooth fight and to improve safety. An army of 80 tomato loving cleaners were at the ready to clean the town and get it back to normal as soon as the throwing was over this takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete, Once clean it seem's incredible that it actually happened as no trace of tomato can be found, Juan Carlos Moragues is the Madrid government's delegate in Valencia has said, Our goal is to have the festival talked about from all over the world it is a veru original event and I want everyone to talk about the tomato war, The festival also brings in a lot of journalists and reporters from as far away as India and Korea, Over 90 news organisations will report the event. There is now also a smaller event for children called the Tomatina Infantil which is held on Saturday a lot of fun is guaranteed, Some people are complaining that the event is a waste of food and is driving up prices as over 100 tonnes of tomatoes are destroyed, The organisers insist the tomatoes are of a lower quality and would only be thrown away anyway as they do not meet the standards,The event is now a paid ticket only venue and the money is helping the citizens of Bunol and other places in Spain so all is not lost.In 2015, it is estimated that almost 145.000 kg of tomatoes were thrown!

Juan Carlos Moragues

The enormous success of the festival has spurned others from all around the world, since 1982 the town of twin lakes in Lake county Colorado has held an event, It is fittingly called Colorado Texas Tomato War in which no surprise hear Texans and Colorado's square off, This event was founded by hotel owner Taylor Adams and was revived in 2011 after being suspended in the early 1990's. The Colaradans attempted and were usually succesful in overrunning an alamo built of straw bales and was defended by the outnumbered Texans, Participants could be identified by souvenir t shirts that were sold by Ms Adams, The event is based on the rivalry perceived by Coloradans against Texas visitors to the state.It is considered the source for the bumper sticker "Keep Colorado beautiful: put a Texan on a bus. In history one might be familar with the battle of the Alamo, This fight started on February 23rd to March 6th 1836 and was a pivotal event in the Texas revolution. A large Mexican force numbering in the thousands led by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna besieged a fort called the Alamo a former Franciscan mission, Inside was a small group of Texan volunteer soldiers numbering no more than 200 commanded by James Bowie and William Travis including the famed frontiersman Davy Crockett, They bravely and couragously held out for 13 days until they were slowly beaten and the fort was overpowered. Most were killed as the General Antonio ordered that none should be spared, Sam Houston the newly appointed commander in chief of the Texan forces expressed his concerns that San Antonio de Bexar should be abandoned due to insufficient troop numbers but the Texans strong will to succeed brought them into a fight that was hard to comprehend,This unfair skirmish and defeat traveled around America and spurnned many people to join the Texan army who were adventurers and settlers of that period, A desire for revenge sank deep into the Texan side and this desire to defeat there enemies ended on April 21st 1836 at the Battle of San Jacinto where the Mexican forces were crushed, For Texans this moment in history became an enduring symbol of their heroic resistance to oppression and there struggle for independence which they won later that year.

The Alamo Mission near Antonio de Bexar Texas United States as it looks today.

David Crockett Born August 17th 1786 Died March 6th 1836, He was a Folk Hero Frontiersman Soldier and Politician, He represented Tennessee in the U.S House of Representatives and served in the Texas revolution.

The Battle of San Jacinto 1836, Near La Porte Texas.
Other places include the Columbian town of Sutamarchan that has held an event since 2004, On the 15th June each year a surplus of harvested tomatoes are used, Costa Rica also has a tomato throwing event held in the town of San Jose de Trojas in the Valverde Vega Canton during there local Tomato fair, and in the town of Dongguan in Southern Guangdong province in China a tomato fight is held on October 19th each year, Up to 15 tonnes of the fruit are used, The city of Reno in Nevada also has an annual hour long Tomato festival that started in 2009, Organised by the American Cancer Society and takes place on the last Sunday of August, They give full credit to the La Tomatina festival in Spain as they have also named it La Tomatina. Milwaukee's East side association also holds a tomato festival or romp during September, The festival includes a Bloody Mary drinking contest but is only open to 250 people who are caged in an area for safety reasons, Started in 2009. Funtasia water park in Patna India hosted a similar La Tomatina event on March 26th 2013.

La Tomatina Festival in Reno 2010 Between August 28th and 29th, Supporting the American Cancer Society.Over 1 Million tomatoes were donated, These tomatoes can't be used for canning or food purposes.

Tomato Romp is Wisconsin’s only tomato festival, most known for its Rotten Tomato Fight For Hunger.
The East Side was the first in North America to create a celebration of the tomato and tomato fight inspired by La Tomatina Fight in Spain. 11 years later it's now replicated in cities across America. 8,000 pounds of rotten tomatoes are donated by Maglio Companies for the fight, with the fight proceeds donated to Feeding America.

On the night before the La Tomatina festival participants in the event compete in a Paella cooking contest. Food is an integral part of many festivals around the world, There is another famous food fight which takes place three days before the beginning of lent in the town of Ivrea, in the Piedmont area of Italy – but here oranges are thrown instead. A lot of people come from Valencia to participate and many will have alcohol in there system. There is also fireworks music and dancing during the week leading up to to La Tomatina so there is plenty to do and a lot of fun is guaranteed.
A Paella Cooking contest is held the day before the La Tomatina Event.

The Day Of The Dead Festival Mexico - Dia De los Muertos
The day of the dead festival that is held in Central Northern and Southern Mexico is one of the most spectacular festivals to be held, Called Dia De los Muertos which is pronounced in Spanish, Dedicated to the dead this celebration is full of color and atmosphere. Mexicans hold this festival between October 31st to the 2nd November. This time is used for family and friends to remember there loved ones who have passed away to celebrate there lives and to remember them in happier times. The festival has a mixed feeling of sadness but also a joyous one, Mexicans will take the time to visit grave yards and spend some time there decorating the graves with flowers candles and gifts, They will also build an elaborate altar for there homes called (ofrendas) to welcome spirits in, They believe the dead will return as spirits on these dates to be with there family and friends
Mexican man stands by his altar (ofrendas)
They will pray and gather together to contemplate on the people who have passed away, They will leave food and other items for the deceased that there lost ones enjoyed when they were alive onto these altars to allow the spirits to consume the essence and aromas of the food and to also bless the loved ones, If a small child has passed away a small toy could be placed on the altar, When the spirits depart the food will be consumed and shared by family and friend members.
Items that are used include a sugar skull that has the name of the deceased inscribed on the top this is called (pan de Muertos, Family photos and memorabilia Also a special bread that has been specially made for the occasion (cempasuchil) and Marigolds which flower at that time of year which produce a sweet and delightful smell that gives the altar a welcoming fragrance. The aroma and the lightly dropped petal leaves will help lead spirits back from the cemetery to there family and friends, Copal incense made from tree resin if used transmits praise and prayers its purification properties cleanse the air and the altar for spirit guidance.
Family and friends will also hold vigils and parties in celebration and the carnivalesque atmosphere produces rich and colorful decorations that adourn people in the streets. Mexicans believe that death should be celebrated in a lively way and not something to shy away from, The colorful costumes face painting and sugar skulls simply express that death is simply a continuation of the life cycle, Similar festivals of this type have been celebrated for 3000 years and this festival is believed to have originated from Aztec festivals that also marked the time when the dead temporarily returned.

Candy Skulls (pan de muertos)

The Marigold flower is the flower of choice at Dia de los muertos,

Celebrations on the streets of Mexico City - Image by Kristina Bakrevski.
Mexico’s Day of the Dead festival was recognised by UNESCO as part of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2008.
The candy skulls are painted with care and each color represents a meaning,
Yellow represents equality and unity, Under the sun we are all the same.
White represents, The spirit and purity
Red represents, the blood of Life
Purple represents, the sadness and mourning people have felt losing loved ones
Pink represents, Happiness and joy
Monarch butterflys represent, the soul of the departed,
Sugar skulls are not morbid but represent the life cycle of a human life and how we live and die,

Monarch Butterflies represent the soul of the departed.
There are many elaborately decorated procession floats that line the streets and many people are beautifully dressed up in masks and colorful clothing, Over 700 performers will march along a four mile journey and many will choose the traditional skeleton appearance (Mexican La Catrina) They will wear flowers and jewellery to celebrate. Not only are friends and family celebrated but also those who have died from natural disasters, The earthquakes that hit Mexico in September of 2017 when 500 people lost there lives was also celebrated and remembered, One of the floats was designed with pick axes rubble and a raised fist made out of helmets, this was to signify the silence given when a fisted hand was raised so that rescuers could hear for survivors sounds. This was a tribute to all the people that rushed to the scene to help injured and buried victims of the earthquakes.

Skulls are iconic symbols of Día de Muertos. Here, two large floats that honor couples who died in the earthquakes reach the Zócalo public square during the Oct. 28 parade in Mexico City. (photo by Mar Garcia, GPJ Mexico)

The Oct. 28 Día de Muertos parade in Mexico City paid homage to the more than 450 people who died as a result of the major earthquakes that struck Mexico last month. Here, vibrant skeletons cloaked in papier-mâché dance for performers. (photo by Mar Garcia, GPJ Mexico)
The day of the dead festival originally took place in the summer time but was moved to the end of October to coincide with All Saints Day and All Souls Day and the full maize harvest, The Aztec Toltec and other Nahua people considered mourning the dead disrespectful as it went against there believes that death is a continuum of life and a natural phase of ones life, The deceased were in someway still alive and kept in spirit and memory for ever.
During the 18th and late 19th century Calavera was used to describe short humorous poems, These were often sarcastic tombstone epitaphs that were published in newspapers to poke fun at the living, These literary poems have now become a popular part of Dia de los Muertos celebrations,

José Guadalupe Posada, Calavera oaxaqueña, 1903, one of his many broadsheets
Drinks are also placed on the altar, these could be pulque which is a sweet fermented beverage made from the agave sap, Or atole a thin warm porridge made from corn flour unrefined cane sugar cinnamon, vanilla and hot chocolate,
Papel Picado is a beautiful Mexican paper craft that is used around altars and in the streets and squares,meaning pierced paper artisans stack colored tissue paper into dozens of layers and then perforate the layers with hammer and chisel points, This art form represents the wind and the fragility of life.

Papel Picardo (Pierced Paper)
This festival takes place in many parts of Mexico, In Patzcuaro which is a municipality in the state Michoacan about 225 miles west of Mexico city a very moving celebration takes form, Indigenious citizens from the local countryside and community meet up on the shores of Patzcuaro Lake, They all take a canoe which has a single candle burning in each bow, They then progress to slowly paddle over to a tiny island called Janitzio for an all night vigil in an indigenous cemetery.

Indigenious men paddle out to a tiny island called Janitzio from Patzcuaro Michoacun
In the Mexican city suburb of San Andres Mixquic communities gather to the local cemetery bearing candles and flowers, The historic Augustian convent rings its bells to signal this behaviour and they continue to clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones. This is the most important celebration for the community and preparations start two or three weeks in advance. Woman embroider tablecloths and napkins for the occasion, In mid October residents place a large paper star lantern over there doorways, This is a way to help guide the dead back to their loved ones and remains until November 3rd. The build up to the day of the dead celebrations is filled with a sweet smell that intoxicates the air, This fragrance is from the Marigold flower and fruits which locals express as “ya huele a muertos”(now it smells like the dead) or “ya se siente muertitos” (now the dear (lit. little) dead can be felt), Schools build and arrange altars for the season and at midnight on 31st October the bells of the Apostle ring out to signal the arrival of the souls of the children who have departed. The tombs in the cemetery are carefully cleaned and decorated some elaborately. When midday has come on 1st November and the sun has passed it's Zenith local beliefs believe the souls of the children go back to Mictlán and then the souls of the adults arrive and stay until November 2nd. As night falls on 1st November music can heard in the air from tropical and mariachi groups, There is also a skull contest and a mock funeral procession comes through, This involves a woman who shouts out humorous fiction to her mourning crowd about the loss of her husband who is being carried in a coffin through the town, As they arrive at the graveyard and prepare to bury the dead man he jumps out of the coffin in a state of confusion and runs off into the crown, This causes mass hysterics and laughter, The church bells ring again at 7pm on November 1st to signal the hour of Campanera, Groups of local youths wander from door to door with bells in there hands and singing a las ánimas benditas les prendemos sus ceritas. Campanero, mi tamal" (to the blessed souls we light our candles. Campanero, my tamale). They are given Sweets and fruit and Tamale for there efforts, Tamale is a Mexican dish of seasoned meat and maize flour steamed or baked in maize husks. On 2nd November at 8 o clock the apostle bells ring for the third time, This is for the Alumbrada, the church has dimmed its lights and has its own alfreda altar for people to enjoy, People transcend into the cemetery each burning a candle and copal incense can be smelled, The beautiful scenery is further amplified with Marigold flowers that glimmer and light up in a golden shimmering lake of color and intensity. No offering should be given to adults until 1st October as it interferes with the childrens time on earth, A traditional dog called Izcuincle guides the children over the river Chiconauhuapan to enter Mictlán (realm of the dead). The community of Mixquic was founded around the 11th century, The monastery is a central part of the people that live there it was constructed between 1536 and 1563 and was built by friars Jorge de Avila and Geronimo de San Esteban. The church was built over a teocalli which was a mesoamerican pyramid surrounded by a temple,

San Andrés Apóstol church and former convent, Mixquic

San Andres Mixquic, Alambrada

San Andres Mixquic, Alambrada

San Andres Mixquic, Alambrada

Example of a teocalli that was located in Mixquic, This image is of a Pyramid at San Andres ruins, El Salvador. Mayan Ruin.
The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by the Maya peoples, and noted for its hieroglyphic script—the only known fully developed writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas—as well as for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system.

In Aguascalientes which is located about 140 miles north of Guadalajara. This is the birthplace of Mexican political cartoonist and lithographer engraver Jose Guadalupe Posada. Its celebrations last a full week as they hold a Festival de Calaveras which is (Festival of skulls) The highlight is a long parade of highly decorated and colored skulls which snakes along Avenida Madero,
Jose Guadalupe Posada

People celebrate Festival de Calaveras (Festival of Skulls)
November 1st is called (The day of the innocents) which is to honor deceased infants and children, The gates of heaven will open on this day for 24 hours, November 2nd is called (Day of the dead). This day is to honor deceased Adults for 24 hours,
The festival is meant to be a happy time but it does have a sombre note so people will cry and people will be sad also but the key to the celebration is to be happy and content not to let loved ones hurt you or for you to be sad,
The parade in Mexico city in 2017 had an audience of 300000 people, This figure is three times larger than 2016 a considerable increase as this festival is now becoming incredibly popular.
In 2002, a crowd carried a banner that read "Guilliani dreamers never die" (in homage to the anti-globalization protester shot dead by a police officer the year before, And in 2016 and 2017, crowds marched to protest violence against women. The celebrations can and do offer a chance for people to express there feelings and thoughts on people who have been mistreated or even murdered, The rape and murder of 16-year-old Lucía Pérez in Argentina in October 2015 sparked protests. I just worry that protests do not get out of control to spoil such a beautiful event as police enforcement will always be there to ensure a safe two day affair.
The small city of Tuxtepec located in the north eastern part of Oaxaca state is well known for its sawdust rugs, Local spend a long time painstakingly arrange sawdust, petals, rice, pine needles, and other suitable materials in elaborate rug like patterns over the city streets, They are then judged in a contest held during Dia de los Muertos,
Praca da Sombra in Sao Paulo is the scene of an intense program of shows, handicraft stalls, gastronomic fair and costume competitions.
Bourmouth in Dorset uk also celebrate the day of the dead festival,
People in Vancouver Canada wear costumes and play music while marching, The event encorages people to join the procession through the streets of east Vancouver to remember there loved ones and to wear some beautifully crafted costumes,

Carlo Guiliano was an Italian anti globalization demonstrator that was shot dead by riot police at the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, He was among other demonstrators that attacked a police van but was caught up in the shooting that followed. His was the first death during an anti globalization demonstration since the movements rise from 1999. From a photograph taken at the time it shows Guiliano throwing a fire extinguisher at the police van and a shot was fired, He was consequently run over by the police van. The officer who fired the shot denied any wrong doing and said the shot was fired in self defence and that the shot richcheted. Eight years later the European court of human rights ruled that the Italian police had acted within their rights.

Lucia Perez from Mar Del Plata in Argentina was only 16 when she was abducted by a drug gang, She was plied with Cocaine and Cannabis before enduring a brutal sex game, She died of severe internal injuries having been impaled on a wooden stake and subjected to inhuman sexual abuse, To make matters worse her evil abducters had washed her then redressed her to try and cover over the horrendous injuries she had sustained, They then dumped her outside a drugs rehab clinic leaving her in critical condition, Staff at first thought she had overdosed on Cocaine but having looked more closely they were shocked to discover the incomprehensible truth. This tragic story sinks deep into the minds of people against gender based crimes and marches have been organised in Argentina and other countries to protest these evil acts of violence. People from Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Guatemala and other places shout the words Ni una menos", Spanish for "not one woman less".
Lucia Perez
Mexico city did not hold a day of the dead celebration before 2015, The James Bond movie Spectre has an opening sequence where Bond is among a day of the dead parade in Mexico city even though at the time they did not host an event, After this film showcased Mexico city decided to hold there own event to promote pre-hispanic Mexican culture, The interest in the film sparked the government of Mexico city to hold there own festival, Bond in the films he portrays is always just a few seconds or feet from death and this is quite fitting with the movie and its setting, A great opening was in Spectre with so much going on true James Bond style.
Opening sequence to Spectre released in 2015, This being the 24th movie in the successful franchises history, Speculation arose that the opening scene and the characters portrayed had been influenced by altered scripts because of demands expected by the Mexican authorities, This affected casting choices and to portray the country in a positive light, This would secure tax concessions and financial support worth a cool £20 million. But this was denied by the producer Michael G Wilson, He said the scene had always been intended to be shot in Mexico city as production were impressed and considered the energy and electric color and energy perfect it was a magnetic proposition. The script was developed from that proposal. Many fans of the movie series consider this opening in Spectre as the best opening of the entire set.

A scene from the opening of Spectre
The day of the dead festival can be very expensive for indiginous people who live on low incomes and have very little money, In most cases it could cost 2 months of pay to host and celebrate the festival, But they believe the happy spirits will provide protection good luck and wisdom to them and there familes this is worth all the money to them, Italy Spain the Phillipines and South America all celebrate the day of the dead festival,
Bakers chefs cooks and everyone who has a skill will give there time and energy to provide a service or item or food for the celebrations, In Northern Veracruz in Mexico an expert baker has skills passed down from one generation to the next in preserving the ancient tradition of the Zacahuil which is a gigantic banana leaf wrapped Tamal, This dish will feed over 100 people on the day of the dead days. It is carefully constructed and wrapped so that it stays in one piece, Then it is placed in a homemade oven called an adobe and finally sealed with mud until morning,
Other areas in Mexico that celebrate include Michoacan, Puebla, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Guerrero, Guanajuato, Chiapas and the Yucatan. Northern Mexico.

Lady wraps a giant Zacahuil in Banana Leaf.
Patzcuaro in the state Michoacan about 225 miles west of Mexico City - 2017 - Dia De los Muertos
Festival de Calaveras de Aguascalientes 2016
Dia De los Muertos Mexico City
Mexico City Parade - Dia De los Muertos