Famous Foods From Around The World

Peking Duck is a dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the imperial era. Consisting of thin pieces of tender, roasted duck meat and crispy skin wrapped in a thin crepe, along with sliced spring onions, cucumbers, and hoisin sauce or sweet bean sauce.
1 (1.8kg) whole duck
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon honey
1 orange, sliced in rounds
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, for garnish
5 spring onions
170g plum jam
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons malt vinegar
4 tablespoons finely chopped chutney
Cut off tail and discard. In a small bowl, mix together the cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, white pepper and cloves. Sprinkle one teaspoon of the mixture into the cavity of the duck. Stir one tablespoon of the soy sauce into the remaining spice mixture and rub evenly over the entire outside of the bird. Cut one of the spring onions in half and tuck inside the cavity. Cover and refrigerate the bird for at least 2 hours, or overnight.
Place duck breast side up on a rack in a big enough wok or pan and steam for an hour adding a little more water, if necessary, as it evaporates. Lift duck with two large spoons and drain juices and spring onion.
Preheat the oven to 190 C / Gas 5. Place duck breast side up in a roasting tin and prick skin all over using a fork.
Roast for 30 minutes in the preheated oven. While the duck is roasting, mix together the remaining 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and honey. After 30 minutes, brush the honey mixture onto the duck and return it to the oven. Turn the heat up to 260 C / Gas 10. Roast for 5 minutes or until the skin is richly browned. Do not allow the skin to char.
Prepare the duck sauce by mixing the plum jam with the sugar, vinegar and chutney in a small serving bowl. Chop remaining spring onions and place them into a separate bowl. Place whole duck onto a serving plate and garnish with orange slices and fresh parsley. Use plum sauce and onions for dipping.

1kg/2lb Dried Black Beans
3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
1lb of Chorico Sausage or Other Smoked Sausage or both
Half Teaspoon Salt and Black Pepper
2 Bay Leaves
1 Large Onion 1 Half Cup Scallions
1lb of Smoked Bacon
3 Garlic Cloves
1lb Finest Steak or tin of Corned Beef or both
Half a Cabbage

Feijoada is a stew of beans with Beef and Pork of Portuguese origins. It is a common dish in India Brazil Angola and Mozambique, It is the national dish of Brazil, There will be a slight difference in recipe from one country to another. Registered for the first time in Recife state of Pernambuco it is especially popular in Rio de Janeiro, Feijoada is tradionally served on Saturday afternoons or Sunday lunch, Not to be rushed it can be enjoyed watching a game of soccer or with extended family. This dish combines some heavy ingredients and rich flavours. Cooking Pork stew with vegetables that gave Feijoada it's origins is a mediterranean tradition dating back to when the Romans colonized Iberia. Roman soldiers would bring this food recipe everywhere they went in Europe and the dish and its variants quickly became a staple in many countries. Other dishes similar to Feijoada include French Cassoulet and Italian Cazzola Olla Podrida which is a Spanish stew made from pork and beans and vegetables is also similar. Cooking a stew is also great when you have large numbers to feed as you can keep stew for a day or so and simply heat it back up, This also gives the ingredients time to blend with each other and the meat will taste fantastic if done right.
Soak the Black Beans over night in 4 Litres of water, Chop the garlic, sausage and bacon and steak into small pieces, Add meats and garlic 1 tablespoons of oil bay leaves together in bowl refrigerate overnight. In a large saucepan add the oil on a medium heat when ready add rest of garlic bay leaves scallions onions salt and pepper and saute for 5 minutes. Now add all soaked meat from day before add everything and slowly cook for 5 minutes, Add 10 cups of water or enough to cover ingredients with an inch over, Cook for another 5 minutes then add beans which were soaked the day before and slowly bring to the boil, Keep an eye on pan and use a lid with an on and off movement you want to slowly bring to the boil but not to fast so don't leave lid on pan for too long. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 2 hours adding the chopped cabbage at this time. Heat until beans are lovely and soft including the cabbage. Keep an eye on water levels add cold water as necessary. Taste after 1 hour you may want some more salt and pepper everyone has there preference or you can leave it out and let the guests add it themselves. You may want some rice with this meal which you can cook separately.
Farofa is an ideal side dish to accompany Feijoada, It consists of a dry Manioc flour that is quite tasteless, Brazilians will add Butter, Parsley Bacon Eggs and pretty much anything else you can get. Add some butter to a pan and slowly melt, After this add some onion scallions and a garlic clove, Slowly brown these foods and then add the Manioc flour or alternatively bread crumbs, Add slowly still turning the spoon you want a humid texture so add more butter or oil if necessary. You may find difficulty acquiring the Manioc flour but you can use Tapioca starch Cassava or Yucca flour instead. Try incorporating some of the ingredients for Feijoada into Farofa to make things easier, You can add meats and any vegetable you want.
Try this sweet variation
80g bacon, cubed or chopped finely
Olive Oil and Butter
½ onion, grated or chopped finely
50g prunes, chopped
50g raisins
50g chopped brazil nuts
50g chopped walnuts
250g Manica or Substitute