An explosion of released air and a deep rumbling sound is heard as Kazan successfully opens the trap door, Kazan continues to whine as he quickly steps into the square trap door space.

A loud sound of echoing high pitched pipes is heard to provide the sound score, Quentin suddenly turns his head around at speed at something he has just heard. Quentin quickly lowers his bloodied hands.

Something has caught Quentin's attention but he can not see anything,

Quentin quickly turns his head back around as he focuses his full attention on Kazan who is moments away from escaping. Quentin wastes no more time as he swiftly makes his way over to the trap door.

Kazan has made his way through the trap door space and jumps from the ledge into the lift system below, (Low level thud is heard)

Quentin travels at speed as he rapidly makes his way up through and out the trap door as he tries to escape Cube, Half of his body protrudes from outside of the hatch as he desperately tries to enter onto the bridge. Quentin groans and a loud thud is heard as he pops through the gap.

Kazan turns around slowly to face Quentin in fear and isolation, (Tambourine crashes are heard) (A crying falling male voice high pitched synth sound is also heard) Quentin has wasted precious time murdering Leaven and Worth and he is now stretched for time, If the lift leaves without him he will never find the next port of call where the bridge stops as Leaven is dead.

Quentin groans some more as he attempts to reach Kazan with his outstretched right hand.

Kazan stands just a few feet inside the lift and is within touching distance of Quentin,

Loud thud is heard as Quentin grabs Kazan's white tee shirt from the trap door hatch, Quentin can use Kazan to pull himself into the lift and escape. (Kazan whines)

Quentin's prisoner issued trousers have fallen down as he turns into the most despicable of human beings, Quentin has decided he wants to pull Kazan out of the lift and leave him to die inside Cube, (A loud rumbling sound begins to fill the room and shaft space.)

Quentin must stop Kazan from escaping Cube as he only thinks about himself.

Suddenly something has caught Quentin's attention from behind him, He quickly turns around to identify the strange occurrence.

To Quentin's utter disbelief Worth has swiftly come back to life to help Kazan, Worth is a man possessed as he pulls as hard as he can on Quentin's left leg as he tries to distract his attention away from Kazan.

(Blasts of steam are heard) (Kazan is slapping his right hand against the right side of his head) Quentin looks at Worth momentarily before ignoring him and turning back to Kazan.

A strong vibration and rumbling has begun, (High pitched squeaking sounds are heard) Quentin groans loudly as he attempts to stop Kazan from escaping but is now stuck between Worth's pulling from behind and his pulling of Kazan who has managed to stand his ground. Quentin and Kazan shake violently from the bridge and lift shaft which has become extremely violent and noisy.

Quentin is a man possessed and will not give in until he either falls into the lift with Kazan, Pulls Kazan out then deals with Worth, Quentin is using maximum strength and determination as he pulls at Kazan's clothing. Quentin groans loudly from his assertions)

Quentin and Kazan shake violently, Quentin is grid locked and can't move in either direction.

Quentin is now in a lot of pain as Worth pulls hard on his injured left leg which is now proving to be his worst enemy,

Quentin looks back again at Worth who is hell bent on stopping Quentin from going anywhere.

Worth shakes with extreme voracity as he continues to pull on Quentin's leg, (High pitched squeaking is heard) (Medium corded synth key is heard)

Quentin shakes violently and is completely stuck between the lift system and the trap door.

Quentin groans and splutters as he attempts to make his way onto the lift system.

Worth has had enough of Quentin and is trying to kill him the best and most tactical way he can, Worth want's revenge for his bad treatment and the murder of Leaven and Holloway, (Pay back time is near)

(Loud squeaking sound is heard) Quentin shakes furiously as he screams and groans at the top of his voice, Something terrible has entered Quentin's mind and he knows these are the last seconds of his life.

Suddenly the lift system begins to travel left as the time has run out and the lift must leave the bridge for another destination.

The lift continues to travel left at a controlled speed with Kazan still inside. The bright and intensive light was emanating from the trap door gap as well as the inside of the lift. Quentin has made a fateful mistake and has managed to become trapped half way outside the trap door and this has resulted in him becoming squashed and severed at the waist. A long line of blood begins to trail behind the lift as it moves left which is that of Quentin.

A loud crashing sound is then heard as the lift stops in it's tracks as it changes it's trajectory, More rumbling of cogs and machinery is heard as the lift suddenly begins to travel vertically down the shaft.

More rumbling is heard as the lift travels at speed down the shaft on it's way to ground level,

As the lift disappears into the abyss the true extent of Quentin's injuries are revealed, His body has been torn in half and sandwiched across the shell wall resulting in an instant death, Quentin's torso may be inside the lift with Kazan or it could of fallen down the shaft to join somewhere with Holloway's.

A clicking rumbling sound is heard as the camera rapidly pans down the shaft wall to reveal the lift which is travelling at speed.

The lift produces a sound not to dissimilar to a jet engine as the sound echoes and fills the large void.

The lift will return at some point and dock with another room as the rooms will switch around which will alter the direction and stopping point of the lift. (Maybe some more prisoners will be added to Cube to continues it's destruction.)

Slowly the sound reduces before the shell returns to it's original sound of a cool breeze as the lift vanishes from view.

Suddenly another loud bang is heard from the lift as it alters it's navigational parameters.

All is strangely silent back inside the Red room, Worth will now be content that he has taken care of the evil Quentin and can now relax and rest in peace as his injuries and his situation are not going to be so kind to him, Worth flops down to the floor as he holds his injured stomach with his left hand.

Worth groans from the pain he is feeling as he contemplates his life and his ultimate demise, Worth closes his eyes momentarily as he looks ahead in silence knowing that he will die inside the Red room.

Low level tap sound is heard as Worth lowers his back slightly, Low ambient pan sound similar to air is heard - Worth slowly begins to lower his back so that he can rest more comfortably. Worth raises his right hand slightly as he begins to turn his head right towards Leaven.

Low level violins begin to play a simple and continuous chord - Worth looks on over at Leaven for a few seconds before deciding that he will lay closer to her.

Worth stretches his left hand over his chest as he stares at Leaven from a distance, Low level tap sound is head as Worth places his left hand to the floor. Worth begins to lay onto his side. Worth slowly begins to make his way over to Leaven the few short feet required with his hands. Ruffling of material and more light taps are heard from Worth as he slowly edges his body over.

A loud tap is heard as Worth stretches out his left hand as he tries with the last of his strength to reach Leaven, Quentin is now visible in the far left hand corner with his leg protruding out, The other half of Quentin's body managed to fall back inside the room where it will now lay for eternity. A large amount of blood has seeped out from Leavens back and she has passed away from her injuries.

A loud and continuously increasing violin chord is heard which slowly raises up in volume, Worth moves his right hand slowly towards Leaven before turning over onto his back. (Another light tap is heard) (Worth places his left hand over his stomach as he looks up at the ceiling)

Kazan is still alive and is still inside the travelling lift system, Kazan flutters his hand against his ear as he looks up and forward, (An echoing whistling high pitched synthesizer chord is heard infused with much higher key notes.

Kazan suddenly stops his fluttering hand and lowers it down, Kazan flinches as he observes his environment, Kazan blinks rapidly from the bright and intense light.

Kazan is completely engrossed with the ceiling as he stares up,

Kazan looks to his right, Kazan is fluttering his middle finger,

Kazan turns around and looks forward in a new direction and the way to go to leave the lift.. Kazan steps from side to side a few times before slowly walking forward into the bright light.

Kazan slowly moves forward into the light.

Kazan is completely overwhelmed to have escaped Cube but will be sad for the loss of Worth and Leaven.

More high pitched whistling effects are heard - Kazan continues to walk forward as he slowly vanishes from view.

No one knows what is in store for Kazan and maybe life has had a radical makeover and has changed for the better. Only Kazan will find out why he was put in Cube.

Kazan will definitely need a vacation after this, The End...










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