Laws have existed since The Ur-Nammu law code, It is the oldest known, written about 300 years before Hammurabi's law code. When first found in 1901, the laws of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC) were heralded as the earliest known laws. Laws have slowly changed over the years to work with change and to improve the system. Without law and order the planet would be in chaos and a very unsafe place to live. But in today's society some laws have not been updated or changed but left for hundreds of years, Some laws are just ridiculous and unbelievable to even exist these times but anyway let's have a look at some laws which should be scrapped for one's sanity.

In Mobile, Alabama, it is against the law to throw confetti or spray silly string.It's also illegal to sell it offer it or give it away and definitely dont try hiding it in your house because that's illegal too. The year 1965 was the last time this law was amended, To add insult to injury it's also illegal to spit or throw fruit skins on sidewalks maybe in case someone breaks a leg I guess.

This might actually be a sensible law but in Alabama state it is illegal to participate in Bear fighting matches, That's right you cant work promote or participate in a bear fighting match, phew thank god for that.

It's also illegal in Alabama to impersonate any member of the clergy, This 1975 law deals a fatal blow of a $500 fine and upto a year in jail for being found out. On Halloween I guess you will have to pretend to be an exorcist keep an eye out for the cops or your be arrested.

If you find yourself in Thailand one day after a stag due or heavy drinking session dont step on that thai baht note you spotted on the ground it could land you in a whole heap of trouble. You see the king of thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun is highly respected so putting a size 10 on his printed head is definitely a no no.

In Arkansas there is a law which still exists from 1800 which allows a husband to beat his wife but only once a month and no more. Ok but do I get a roll over if I dont use this months.

Best of all if the Aligator your keeping in the bathtub is on a roll things could get nasty and it could be a bad end for both, but dont tell the the authorities as it's completely illegal to keep your 230kg pet in the bathtub best tie it up in the bedroom instead.

This law makes sense but in Little Rock no driver may suddenly stop or start there vehicles at a McDonalds drive thru, Just in case you spill the coffee or choke on the Big Mac.
If by chance the McDonalds is near Salem Massachusetts don't think about driving to a hotel with your wife undressing to bare skin then sleeping the night because that is completely illegal as well.

I dont think this driver knew about the sudden start and stop policy nevermind.

In Arizona it is not a good idea to give your donkey a wash in your bathtub or even keep your donkey in the bathtub, A 1924 law forbids the activity and you could be arrested eehaw.

As were on the subject of 4 legged felines it's illegal to ride a horse drunk in Colorado, As John Wayne would say Get Off My Horse.

In Great Britain it is illegal to handle a Salmon in suspicious circumstances you heard right suspicious circumstances sounds a bit fishy to me.

What ever you do don't wake a sleeping bear in Alaska for a photo shoot or to give it a big hug this is completely illegal so keep a look out for park authorities.
If your up for a Frog Jumping contest make sure your green friend is kept safe, It is illegal to eat the deceased if it died during the tournament in California so make sure you have a back up just in case.

2016 Frog Jumping Jubilee

In Georgia it is illegal to keep an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sunday's, This could be religiously significant and also quite messy so make sure you hold it properly as shown in the image on the right, Do the right thing.

In Florida if you so happen to take your full size African elephant for walks and decide to go shopping make sure to pay the full fee if you tie it to a parking meter while your around town, A ticket inspector most likely will be on the prowl and it is totally illegal not to pay.
Forrest Gump Scene - Life is like a box of chocolates.

In Idaho giving your sweetheart a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 pounds will land you in a whole heap of trouble.It is illegal to do so such is life.
As Forrest Gump would say, My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.

If your misfortunate enough to only have one arm and are a piano player in Iowa you must perform for free as it is illegal to charge. But what if they use a foot as well does that count.
Nicolas McCarthy, Performs Etude Op 25 no 12 Ocean Chopin arr Godowsky.

In Indiana mustaches are illegal if the bearer has the tendency to habitually kiss other people. So no spiritual hugs or emotion please. By the way the Mobius is a great mustache one for the gentleman.

In Massachusetts it is illegal to own an exploding golf ball, Ok so it might be ok to enter the PGA Tour then get it mixed up with a load of golf balls then accidently find it and use it.

In Kansas a poorly worded law states that no two trains can proceed until one of them has passed if they meet on the same track,

Minnesota has a law which states no person can cross state lines if they so happen to have a duck on there head, Is it ok to use a Penguin instead.

A law in Chicago does not permit the customer to stay in a restaurant if it is on fire, Just in case you were about to tuck into that tasty Pizza it's definitely going in the firecrews stomach's so don't forget to grab it on the way out.

If things cant get worse in Japan and I mean the entire country it is deemed wrong to be FAT, Say that again yes that's right this poor kid cant eat any more pizza right, The law came in in 2008 called the Metabo Law setting a maximum waistline of 35.4 Inch's and that's for the ladies, Men can not exceed 33.5 Inches but what's the catch oh you have to be over 40, If you get out of line you will be brought in for examination and dietary guidance leading to re education if still fat after a 6 month period, By the way a company will be fined for employing any fat workers so don't try for a job if your over the limit. Phew lucky for some.

Considering Sumo Wrestling Originated in Japan and it is there national sport, Sumo wrestlers need to consumes 20000 calories a day in two giant 10000 meals to keep there giant frames, They are also banned from driving simply because they are too big to get behind the steering wheel but they do make excellent car wash assistants.

If you happen to be in British Columbia on a hunting trip try not to kill this big fella, It is illegal to kill a Sasquatch or better known Bigfoot on any day of the week as it is considered wildlife and you will be fined $250.000, so make sure you have a license or your be in big trouble, Umm big trouble from the Sasquatch no doubt so be on the look out.

Ensure your Permit is up to date and dont go over the maximum per season.
Bigfoot always keeps his credentials up to date. He moves around quite frequently as he has been spotted in various counties around the U.S.
Big Foot finally caught on tape?
Whilst searching an Apple Orchid for Bigfoot, the boys come across already eaten apples before having a run in with this fruit loving monster.
7 REAL Bigfoot Sightings That Will Make You a Believer!
The Best BigFoot sightings of all time!

What you looking at mate I ain't ugly you are woof
In Oklahoma it is illegal to make ugly faces at a dog or dogs, You could be fined or even jailed.

A law in China bans Buddhist monks from Tibet from Reincarnating without government permission. The state administration for religious affairs in 2007 issued a statement stipulating how one can reincarnate in a bid to manage the event.

The current Dalia Lama the 14th aged 82 is a reincarnation of the 13th Dalia Lama, He is a spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.
Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalia Lama, I do hope this guy got permission from the Chinese authorities.