So the cosmonaut's in there,

and he's got this portal window, Rhoda expresses with her hand as she continues, and he's looking out of it,

and he see's the curvature of the Earth... for the first time. I mean, the first man to ever look at the planet he's from.

And he's lost in that moment,

And all of a sudden this strange ticking...

Rhoda looks left and picks up a dinner knife. Rhoda slowly starts to tap on to the wooden table top with the blunt end of the knife with a rhythmic pace of one tap every 2 seconds. Tap---Tap---Tap---.

begins coming out of the dashboard. John replies, Okay Yeah! as he begins to build the story from Rhoda's soft words.

John replies, Okay Yeah! as he begins to build the story from Rhoda's soft words.

Rhoda laughs slightly as she continues to tap, Rips out the control panel, right? Takes out his tools, Trying to find the sound, trying to stop the sound. But he can't find it, He can't stop it. It keeps going.

Rhoda is also becoming mesmerized by the tap tap sound.

Rhoda continues to tap.

Few hours into this, Rhoda nods negatively to express her words, She continues, begins to feel like torture.

A few days go by with this sound,

and he knows

that this

small sound will break him. Rhoda continues to tap. He'll lose his mind.

Rhoda smiles and shakes her head slightly, She say's, What's he gonna do?

Rhoda looks right to express her words, He's up in space, alone in a space closet. He's got 25 days left to go...with this sound,

Rhoda looks directly at John and say's, So the cosmonaut decides..

the only way to save his sanity...John looks down at Rhoda's tapping hand, Rhoda continues, is to fall in love with the sound. John listens to every word Rhoda has spoken and is moved by the story.

So he closes his eyes... Rhoda continues to tap.

Rhoda moves her left hand to Johns face and pulls down slowly so that John closes his eyes.

and he goes into his imagination,

Rhoda continues to tap as a low level violin can be heard preparing to play.

and then he opens them..
The Cosmonaut - Fall on your sword.

The camera zooms in on Rhoda's face, Rhoda say's,.. He doesn't hear ticking any more. Rhoda pauses for a few small seconds and then say's... He hears music.

A violin starts to play a middle toned chord accompanied by a light toned piano key. The sound expresses the Russian cosmonaut's delight as he begins to enjoy the sound as he floats around in space. Rhoda continues, And he spends the remainder of his time...

Rhoda looks down then back up at John, She say's, sailing through space in total bliss..

and peace. John imagines the Russian cosmonauts dilemma and solution. John may try the same technique with his migraines now that he has heard Rhoda's story.

A chirping of birds can be heard mixed with the violin and piano composition. Earth Two and the Moon are in full phase as there light glimmers down lighting up the forest and surrounding area.

Mr Burroughs has laid down on the sofa with a damp cloth over his forehead.

Rhoda appears from the right and sets down a laundry basket onto an armchair.

Mr Burroughs say's to Rhoda as she folds the clean laundry. Why...are you cleaning houses?, John looks up slightly at Rhoda waiting for an answer.

Rhoda starts to fold a blue and turquoise checked garment, It is the bottoms to a sleeping gown, She replies, "I like to clean" as she places the folded item into a washing basket.

John replies with a tone of negativity, Nobody likes to clean he say's.

Rhoda responds with a smile and enthusiasm as she snaps a white tee shirt into the air. Rhoda begins to fold the shirt as she replies, Some people build houses, some people decorate them,

Some people clean them, Particles from the clothing can be seen floating and suspended in the air almost mimicking snow fall.

A short moment of silence goes by then John say's, How old are you? John say's with interest, Did you go to college?.

Rhoda is silent as she pauses momentarily before looking at John then back away again as she continues to fold the clothing. Rhoda replies, No!. Rhoda places the item of clothing into the washing basket as she say's, I read..

John turns his head away as he continues to hold his forehead with his hand, He replies, A wise choice..

Rhoda looks at John with a smile as she continues folding, John replies, I was a college professor. You learn more doing it by yourself.

All is quiet as John lays on the sofa still suffering from a migraine headache.

John lets out a deep breath of air as birds chirp from outside, Rhoda is quiet as she continues to fold.

Rhoda ponders momentarily as she folds the top part of the sleeping gown.

Rhoda say's to John, Did you hear about that contest? John replies, Mmm? Rhoda continues, The shuttle to Earth Two?,

John replies with another Mmm. Rhoda say's, I submitted an essay. All is quiet as John contemplates what Rhoda has just told him. A low sound of a motor vehicle can be heard from outside which gradually decreases. John replies with a hint of surprise, He say's, You did?

Rhoda laughs with happiness as she nods her head to suggest she entered the contest in a moment of craziness or that million to one chance of winning. She say's, It's silly, as she lays another item of clothing into the washing basket.

A few seconds pass in silence then Mr Burroughs say's, You'd go?

Rhoda hesitates as she considers her answer, Rhoda suddenly raises her head up and confidently replies, Yes.

Mr Burroughs replies, You don't know what's out there.

Rhoda stands motionless for a few moments then replies, That's why I would go.

John replies sternly, It's a bad idea.

Rhoda is silent as she looks on down at John.

A fly has started to buzz around John, John say's, In Plato's allegory of the cave, John suddenly with a streak of anger irritation and speed attempts to shew the fly away with his right hand, The force of his actions knocks his damp cloth from his forehead. John continues, the people living in the cave..

Rhoda stands motionless as she watches John on the sofa.

John places the soft cloth back to his forehead, John then swipes with his left hand as a low buzzing sound is heard.

John continues, All they knew, what was in the cave, and one day one of them gets out.. and goes out and..

John speaks louder expressing a serious tone with a strong conviction, He continues, see's the real world, comes back and tells the others. You know what happened to him? They beat him up. They didn't believe it, "That can't be," they said.

John continues, I don't think we're ready to know what's out there. Rhoda expresses a face of disagreement from Johns opinionated words.

John nods his head negatively as he say's, It's a bad idea.

Rhoda replies with a serious tone as she folds a pair of striped trousers, So you'd rather stay in the cave? I mean if Galileo had felt that, We'd still think we're the center of the universe, that the sun is orbiting us. I mean, They tried to burn him at the stake for that.

John snaps back and say's, Yeah, maybe they should have.

John continues, We still think we're the center of the universe. A slow motion camera effect shows a red sweater trail and twist as Rhoda lifts it up from the pile of unfolded clothing.

John continues, We call ourselves Earth One and them Earth Two.

John starts to speak much louder as the migraine headache refuses to dull, John is irritable and maybe shouldn't of got into a serious discussion with Rhoda as he needs to rest. John continues, You think they called themselves Earth Two? Suddenly John turns his head to look at Rhoda folding the red sweater.

Rhoda replies, Probably Not!. Mr Burroughs instantly becomes interested in the red sweater Rhoda is folding, He say's with a serious tone, Did you wash that?
Mr Burroughs is irritated and starting to become angry at this point, He repeats his words again as Rhoda stands innocently quiet. He shouts, Did you wash that sweater?

Rhoda responds with difficulty as she is now worried and goes very quiet like a mouse.Rhoda replies, Yep, Yes, I didn't dry it. I..

Rhoda continues, I laid it... Rhoda can't finish her sentence as Mr Burroughs has stood up and walked over to Rhoda in complete anger and irritation. He grabs the red sweater from Rhoda's hands as he say's, Give me that. John looks down at the red garment before raising the material to his face and breathing heavily. He smells the garment to see if it has been washed or not as a strong smell of detergents will be present.

John responds loudly with anger, He shouts at Rhoda, Why did you wash that?

Rhoda is taken back by Johns sudden change in character.

Rhoda puts her hands to her face as she now feels she has done something very wrong, Rhoda has upset John and John is quite angry.

John shouts with anger, Stop washing things.

John reaches down into the laundry basket to signal his displeasure of Rhoda's help, He shouts louder, Just stop washing things! Rhoda jumps slightly with fright at the angry Mr Burroughs.

John is in a real bad mood and at this moment in time he is angry with the world for his life and the circumstances he now faces. John is standing a few feet away near the telescope, He raises both of his arms to signal his desire, He shouts, Leave them alone! Please!

John raises his right arm high into the air as he signals for Rhoda to go, He shouts Just go! as he faces away from her.

Rhoda is upset and does not hang around long at Johns angry instructions.

Rhoda instantly leaves by the back door, The door creaks slightly as it closes behind Rhoda before producing a loud bang when it locks into place.

Rhoda is travelling by train back home as a simple trumpet composition plays from a passengers radio. No one is talking as everyone seems to be contemplating there lifes or Earth TWO. Rhoda looks sad and is also in thought,

A man with long braided hair and wearing a black beanie cap sitting on his own suddenly begins to tune his radio to another frequency. A light sound of the train travelling over the tracks is heard as the radio intermittently produces a short blister of scrambled tones as the man adjusts the tuning dial.

A man's voice can suddenly be heard emanating from the radio speakers, He say's, This isn't a planet with little green men and blue avatars. It's essentially a mirror earth,

If we strike them,
they could strike us. Rhoda stares out of the window in silence and contemplation as she listen to the radio voice. The voice continues, If we attempt to enslave them, they could enslave us. It's the perfect scenario for mutually assured destruction. Rhoda raises her left hand to her left side temple as she attempts to ease her worries and tiredness.
Rhoda has returned home and is silently contemplating in the attic bedroom. The room is dimmed to a relaxing level as the only light source shines through from the window. The window is producing a double image of it's rectangle r shapes which transmit to the wooden floor surface. A strange synthesizer sound can be heard, it sounds like a record is being played backwards mixed with a middle toned synth key. The light from the floor is in motion as if time has been speed ed up as it gradually decreases in size. Rhoda looks up and watches as the rectangle light squeezes into a smaller and smaller rectangle.
Rhoda watches as the bright and intense golden light swamps around her pillow making it stand out from everything else. Rhoda is fascinated with the light and it's movements. Small particles of fiber float and mingle with the light to produce a dazzling display of sparkling radiance.

Rhoda has just arrived back to work at West Haven High School, She is carrying a plastic bag which contains her dinner. The office radio can be heard as a females voice emanates out, The voice say's, Preparations are nearing completion for interplanetary travel to Earth Two. A banging sound from Rhoda's locker is heard as Rhoda places her personal items inside.

The modified Saturn 5 rocket has undergone rigorous testing to meet federal aerospace guidelines.

Protesters are calling this a modern-day Tower of Babel. Rhoda walks into the office to see Frederico (Freddie) working instead of Purdeep. Freddie is looking inside the underneath draw for something.

Protesters are calling this a modern-day Tower of Babel. They say they have no right to what they see...The radio becomes a jumble of sounds as Rhoda starts to talk to Freddie. Rhoda say's with concern, Where's Purdeep? Freddie replies, Checked out. A loud bang is heard as Freddie slams the metal draw shut.

Rhoda replies, When's he coming back?

Freddie replies, I don't think he is with a tone of worry. Poured bleach in his ears.

Rhoda responds with shock and concern, What?, Rhoda is taken back by Freddie's remark. Freddie replies "Yeah" and then looks down with a sense of guilt and denial. The school bell begins to ring as the radio sound can still be heard in the background as a jumble of voices and mumbled chatter.

Rhoda say's, Why would he do that?

Frederico responds, Look I don't know he say's, I mean, Freddie pauses and gives out a long breath and sigh as he continues, why'd he pour bleach in his eyes?

The television is producing a mumble of sounds mixed with the sound of an air filtration system that gives out a continuous high pitched tone. Rhoda is silent momentarily as she tries to take in what Freddie has just told her, With a sense of shock and surprise Rhoda replies, He blinded himself? Oh Yeah Freddie replies.

Freddie continues with surprise also, He say's You didn't know?, Freddie pauses for a few seconds then say's, He said he was tired of seeing himself everywhere.

Rhoda has heard enough and slowly walks out of the office to start her days work.

A crunching sound of paper is heard as Rhoda leaves the office space. The television continues to spurt out a jumble of sounds that are very hard to distinguish.

A sound of chirping birds is heard mixed with a loud sound of cars and wind. Rhoda has finished work and is close to her house.

Rhoda stops walking and stands motionless as something in the distance grabs her attention.

Rhoda has spotted Mr Burroughs truck that is silently parked across the road.

Rhoda looks left and then right as she tries to figure out why the familiar vehicle has been parked so close to her house.

A motor vehicles engine can be heard in the distance along with the loud sounds of chirping birds. Rhoda stares over at the vehicle in contemplation and slightly intrigued.

Rhoda tries to see if she can see anyone in the stationary vehicle from the distance she is at, A silver car drives past as she stands motionless and a little cautious.

Mr Burroughs face can be seen reflecting from his drivers side front view mirror, He does not seem angry but rather calm and patient.

Rhoda has decided that she will go and investigate, She slowly starts to walk across the road towards the vehicle with her hands in her pockets.

A creaking is heard as John winds down his drivers side window to allow him to speak to Rhoda. Rhoda arrives at his drivers side window as John say's softly, Hi. Rhoda responds with Hi also. John raises his hand to signal to Rhoda that he wants her to walk around the other side, He say's Um, would you mind coming around to the passenger side?. Just cause there's traffic and- Rhoda responds with "Oh! as she looks from side to side in an oblivious way.

Rhoda walks around to the passenger side as John winds down the window to the passenger side.

John leans over and starts to turn the handle to the window as a silver car passes down the road.

As John continues to wind the window down fully he looks at Rhoda and say's, I tried to reach you at your work, but they said they had never heard of you.

Rhoda responds, Um, management changes there all the time.

John replies with curiosity, Is that why none of my cheques have been cashed?

Rhoda pauses as she contemplates her answer, She say's, That's weird, I... It must've slipped through their books.

Rhoda continues, I mean, I've been getting paid, so... John accepts Rhoda's words as he scrunches his face and nods his head in acceptance, He say's Okay. Well... He say's Anyway, that's.. John is breathing heavily, He say's, That's not why I'm here. I wanted to apologize for the other day.

You know, I just- Rhoda responds, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been touching things in your room, Rhoda nods her head negatively to accept her mistake, John responds, No it's not...

It's not your fault. I should not have gotten upset. John shakes his head in making a mistake and say's, I'm sorry.

The sound of passing vehicles can be heard as Rhoda looks at John silently.

John say's softly and with sincerity, Can I take you somewhere..

and show.. and show you something?, Rhoda responds with surprise, Right now? she say's in slight shock. John replies, Yeah!

Rhoda becomes a little nervous and apprehensive as she looks on over at her house from across the road, She say's, I have to help my mom out, But- John responds with a serious Please!

come with me?, John is genuinely sorry for shouting and getting angry with Rhoda, He realizes he has a lot of problems but it was wrong to take them out on the person who now probably means the most to him. John and Rhoda look at each other in silence as Rhoda decides whether to take up his offer or not.

Rhoda contemplates her actions then slowly moves over to the passenger door.

A metal banging sound is heard along with the chirping of birds as Rhoda opens the passenger side door and slowly gets in with a silent expression on her face. Rhoda shuts the door as John starts the engine.

John drives Rhoda a few miles away from town as they travel through an industrial area of high rise buildings, bridges, cranes, electrical pylons, and high chimney stacks that lay along a deep river system. A light sound of travelling lorries cars and other road vehicles can be heard in the distance.

A light tapping of feet can be heard as Rhoda and John make there way along a corridor, There silhouettes blend with a series of octagons shapes in bedded in the glass window pane as there body shapes get closer and closer.

John leads Rhoda to a brown wooden set of double doors, A clicking sound is heard as John pulls the silver handle down to let Rhoda pass through.

John leads Rhoda into a large theater complex that he used before the accident to conduct his many symphonies and compositions. A low level sound of footsteps is heard as John and Rhoda walk further inside the large auditorium.

The auditorium consists of many rows of brown chairs that are aligned across the room with a slightly circular motion. The left and right partitions house 6 chairs to each line while the middle section consists of 12 seats. The theater has roughly the capacity for around 350 people as the chairs reach the back and all the way to the front of the large room. Stairs lead down to to the front stage, while the walls display a symmetrical wood effect as the beams raise slightly from the join to the end.

John points with his right hand and say's to Rhoda as they make there way down to the front stage, The best seat in the house is this row, right here. Rhoda looks down at the row of seats as John points again and say's, Uh, it's the one in the middle.

Rhoda slowly makes her way to the seat John had suggested.

A metallic tapping sound is heard as Rhoda turns her head to look on down at John, John has taken his brown jacket off and sets it down on to a seat. John also pulls off his light brown under garment so that he is loose and not restricted.

John walks a few feet and grabs a wooden four legged chair that he carries onto the stage by a series of small steps.

Rhoda watches John from a distance as she ponders what he has brought her here to see, Rhoda sits down as John prepares himself.

John carefully sets the chair down as he looks back at the motionless Rhoda.

Rhoda is patient and silent as she ponders Johns actions. John say's Okay to himself as a rattling of wood is heard.

John has bent down and has a violin bow in his right hand, John has a saw blade in the other. John stands up and walks back to the wooden chair on stage. John coughs slightly to clear his throat.

Rhoda watches intensely she neither moves her head or her eyes as she watches Johns every move. Rhoda's eyes are now fixed onto the musician and his movements.

John sits down with bow and saw in hand, John turns the saw upside down so that the wooden handle rests in between his legs.

John holds the tip of the sharp saw with his left hand as he bends the thin and shiny metal. He is trying to loosen the blades metal he wants a lucidity and it will take a few bends of the saw before it succumbs to Johns satisfaction.

John holds the saw steady as he braces himself with the bow in the other hand. Slowly and silently he rubs the bow along the tenderized but firmly held blade of the saw. Suddenly a strange but wonderfully crisp and high pitched warbling sound emits from the saws blade. The sound echoes and vibrates as it moves up and down the metal s thickness and stringent tension.

John immediately stops the sound as he coughs, He starts to bend the saw blade to a greater capacity and tension He is working the blade so that it will produce a better sound, John say's, Just a little out of tune, as he bends the blade with an up and down motion.

Rhoda is still fixed to John on center stage.

John bends the blade a couple more times as he coughs again, He applies the tension to the tip of the blade as he focuses in to the spot where the bow will strike a melody. Suddenly John strikes the friction just right with the bow and blade, The saw immediately fires out an intense high pitched sound again.

John say's That's better, huh?, John smiles as he bends the saw for another few rotations.

Rhoda is amused at Johns strange musical composition, She laughs and smiles at John clearly enjoying the show.

Johns breathing can be heard as he braces himself for the bow strike that will set the saw off in unimaginable harmony and soundscape. John looks at Rhoda just before he starts to play in anticipation of the sound and Rhoda's thoughts.

Rhoda patiently waits for John's saw composition.

John is motionless as he anticipates and prepares to play the saw, A moment passes in time as John waits with bow in hand ready to surprise and explore the saws metal sound scope. Suddenly a rubbing sound is heard as John takes the first of many bow strikes onto the taunt metallic metals edge.
John begins to bend the saw at varying angles to produce the scale and key of the composition. The sound could be described as a wailing females cries for a lost child, or a small boat that is floating to sure in foggy conditions. The sound pierces the auditorium with its high pitched warbling and echoing spectrum of sound waves, It is a placid and relaxing sound of high and not so high notes that exasperate into thin air each time John changes the taunt metals position.
John continues the Wooh Hoo sound of the saw with eyes closed he is drifting off into his imagination as he plays the saw.

Rhoda listens very carefully to John and the sound.

John strikes again onto the saws metal edge as he hits a high note that he slowly brings back down again.

Rhoda watches and listens as she smiles and beams with a sense of happiness, Tears are starting to well in her eyes from the sound John is playing. John plays another high note that he slowly brings back down again in implementable pauses of pressure.

The camera zooms in onto the blade and the bow as it produces a cross type of shape. The bow and the saw are a working team as each has a role to play to produce the sound.

Rhoda is transfixed on to the sound as she sails off into her own imagination.

John is mastering the saws sound as he continues to keep tight control of saw and bow. With eyes closed John is finding his own meaning to the sound.

Both Rhoda and John listen deeply to the wooh hoo sound as they drift and collide together in thoughts of life and reality.

The sound is producing some deep emotions in Rhoda as she absorbs the musical sound waves.

Rhoda closes her eyes and drifts into visual thoughts of travelling to Earth Two, She envisages the ISS space station and it's interior design as the music floats in and around her audible spectrum.

Rhodas thoughts describe how zero gravity affects the body and mind as the sheer weightlessness of space suspends a human body between materials and a nothingness, She so desires to travel to Earth Two if she was ever given the chance to do so. In space there are no sound waves as space cannot carry sound, So, in order for sound to travel, there has to be something with molecules for it to travel through. On Earth, sound travels to your ears by vibrating air molecules. In deep space, the large empty areas between stars and planets, there are no molecules to vibrate. There is no sound there.

Rhoda follows her imagination as she slowly travels through the small corridors of the ISS Space Station. A low level breeze can be heard as the saw plays.

A revolving kind of air sound is heard as Rhoda imagines looking down on the ISS space station from a distance, She is an astronaut in the middle of an important space walk as she looks down onto two homes, One is the ISS and the other is Earth which she will return too after her mission days have been depleted. Her astronaut buddies are doing repairs to the outside of the station as she takes in the magnificent view.

Rhoda is good with her hands and maybe one day she will become an astronaut or work in space exploration that requires good use of her hands. In this imaginary thought she is an astronaut carrying out scientific procedures.

Rhoda continues to dream from the intoxicating sounds.

A rumbling and deep wind sound is heard as John continues to play.

Johns thoughts are also of space, His bow has blended into an image of deep space and Earths horizon, He too is drifting into outer space from the sound. Earths horizon is playing a tune and John envisages the closeness of bow and Earth.

Johns imagination shows him the future or the past, He maybe thinking that he has been given a great opportunity to travel into space, Maybe not to Earth Two as he has some negative issues with that incredible reality. A shuttle blasts its huge rockets as it breaks out of Earths atmosphere into the dark void of space.

A huge plume of thick smoke is generated as the heavy spaceship lifts off from its launch platform,

Rhoda is deep in thought as the saw and heavy rotating sound continues.

Suddenly Rhoda slowly opens her eyes after going into a deep fantasy. Rhoda watches as John continues his composition piece.

John holds the tip of the saw steady as he finishes and brings the sound to a close.

John opens his eyes again as he contemplates the sound and his thoughts.

A slow and middle toned flat piano key plays as John drives Rhoda back to his house.

Another slow piano note is heard as both Rhoda and John sit in silence of one another. Rhoda looks at John briefly before returning her eyes to the road.

John occasionally looks at Rhoda as he drives carefully home. Rhoda is still deeply in thoughts as she travels along the highway.

Another flat key note is heard as John and Rhoda approach the old wooden house in the forest.

The vehicle arrives and bounces slightly as John applies the brakes. Rhoda is still quiet as John switches the engine off.

A deep Violin begins to play accompanied with the flat notes of the Piano as Rhoda and John slowly make there way to the front door of the house.

Rhoda takes the lead as she enters the front door first followed by John just behind.

As Rhoda enters the dimly lit kitchen area she suddenly stops motionless and just stares ahead in a frozen in time way.

Rhoda suddenly takes her jacket off and drops it over the arm of the single couch.

John just stands in silence as he watches Rhoda from a distance.

Rhoda slowly unpins her hair as she stares at a picture on the wall. A slight reflective image can be seen as the picture mimics a mirror.

Suddenly John reaches over for Rhoda as she turns around to face him. Rhoda and John are now deeply affected by each others company and have developed feelings for each other.

John and Rhoda look deeply into each others eyes as they embrace and kiss each other. Rhoda places her hands around the side of Johns face as they passionately kiss.

Rhoda places her arms around John as the loving embrace progresses. Violin and piano continue to play.

Rhoda falls backwards onto a soft hassock as John supports her with his arms. John pushes away some books and papers to allow Rhoda to rest her back on to the soft furniture.

Rhoda helps John to unbutton his shirt as their feelings for each other increase with magnitude.

John pulls Rhoda's leggings off revealing her underwear.

John rests his body carefully over Rhoda as they continue to kiss. Rhoda holds Johns hair tightly as they smooch and caress one another.

Rhoda uses her hands to lovingly control the passions of John, They kiss again as they hold each other tightly.

Rhoda places her right hand around John as he kisses her neck and face.

John holds Rhoda tightly in an act of strong feelings and passion.

John and Rhoda embrace tightly as they look into each others eyes.

Rhoda uses her left hand to caress Johns left side face as they hold each other in silence.

Rhoda slowly brings her hand down as she looks deeply into Johns eyes.

Rhoda places both of her arms around John as he tucks his head into Rhoda's right side neck.

Rhoda and John share the double couch as they fall to sleep in each others arms.

All is quiet as Rhoda and John lay on the couch, Heavy breathing can be heard as John lays silent, Suddenly John speaks and say's, I'd finally got to a content place in my life. Our son was five, and my wife was pregnant with a girl.

A few seconds pass and then John say's, And then... they were killed.

A low level distorted synthesizer sound can be heard, John say's, "Drunk driver, a teenager," Rhoda becomes a little disturbed when John say's this, She lifts her head slightly in contemplation of her actions that terrible night. John sniffs slightly and then say's, I was in a coma, And I was sleeping all the time. And I was so...angry. So afraid of what I might do to that kid, You know?, So I made sure my brother got all the court documents. The driver was a minor so I never found out the name.

John checks on Rhoda to see if she is listening or has fallen asleep, Rhoda has not said a word and John say's, Are you still there?, Rhoda tightens her grip around John as they try to get some sleep. The synthesizer sound breaks up into rapid intermittent clicks as a low and deep rumbling sound is heard. Another distorted key plays as the camera slowly zooms out.

A loud sound of a rumbling train going over the tracks is heard as Rhoda enters through a glass door to reach the next carriage.

Rhoda moves quickly as she pulls the handle down to move into the next trains carriage space.

Rhoda slides the brown door open with ease as she enters into the trains lavatory.

The door clicks shut as Rhoda enters.

A squeaking sound is heard as the train's carriage wobbles slightly as it passes at speed over the train tracks. Rhoda is feeling guilty and a little ashamed for letting her emotions take over at John's house. She is still finding it extremely difficult to tell John about the accident and is feeling sick inside.

A low level synthesizer sound slowly begins to play, Rhoda stares at herself in denial as she tries to make sense of her life and the situation she has developed with John. She is contemplating why? she is torturing herself and is she Rhoda or is Earth Two somehow responsible for her dilemma.

A high pitched and intermittent synth sound begins to play as Rhoda suddenly bends down over the toilet basin. Rhoda begins to throw up and is not in a good way at this moment.

Rhoda is vomiting quite severely as she convulses and chokes over the basin,

Rhoda can be heard breathing in and out loudly as saliva drips from her mouth. Rhoda spits out some of the sick as she tries to recover.

Rhoda rests her back along the wall with eyes closed as she slowly recovers from the ordeal. Rhoda rests motionless as her inner thoughts continue to taunt her. A ticking sound is heard as the trains carriage wobbles slightly from the friction of the tracks.

The following day Rhoda has decided to go and visit Purdeep at the local hospital, Rhoda likes Purdeep and is genuinely worried for him.

A low level middle keyed synthesizer plays as Rhoda looks all around as she follows the nurse to Purdeeps ward. Rhoda is silent and apprehensive as she contemplates meeting the injured Purdeep.

Low level voices can be heard as the camera blurs the images of the corridor.
The ward nurse directs Rhoda to the room Purdeep is resting in,
Another Earth Soundtrack - Forgive

Voices are heard along the corridor as The nurse say's to Rhoda softly, He can't hear or see anything, Rhoda look's at the nurse then looks away as she nods her head positively in recognition of what the nurse has just said. Rhoda looks sad as she say's softly, Okay.

Rhoda turns her head to look at the nurse again, She say's softly "Thank you", the nurse replies back "You're welcome" as Rhoda nods positively to signal her appreciation.

Rhoda slowly enters the room where Purdeep is laying silently in bed.

The door clicks shut as Rhoda looks on over at the silently sleeping man. Purdeep is completely motionless and is unaware of Rhoda's presence. A low level deep and continuous electronic bass sound is heard similar to an electricity generator that hums with high powered current.

Rhoda stands quietly at Purdeeps bedside, She looks down at the resting man as she places her hands to her thighs.

Rhoda slowly bends over closer and closer to Purdeep to try and discover his injuries and state of mind. Rhoda carefully places her right hand onto Purdeeps left shoulder to try and create a response. Purdeep has become aware of Rhodas slight hand pressure, He slowly turns his head to face Rhoda and say's softly, Rhoda.

Rhoda is concerned for Purdeep and is happy that Purdeep has responded to her, Even though Purdeep can not see he instantly realizes who it is standing over him at his bedside.

The bed starts to creak as Rhoda decides to sit down next to Purdeep. A violin starts to play as Rhoda holds Purdeeps left hand with both of her hands.

Rhoda lays down level with Purdeep as she tries to comfort him.

Rhoda caresses Purdeeps hand as she contemplates there time together.

Purdeep is tired and sick as he enjoys the soothing company of Rhoda, Rhoda continues to hold Purdeeps hand as she thinks deeply about Purdeeps life and the experiences she has shared with him. Rhoda holds Purdeeps hand firmly as she snaps out of her thoughts, Purdeep responds with a soft and slowly spoken sadness, He say's You are wondering why?, Purdeep swallows as he finishes his sentence.

Rhoda snuggles closer to Purdeep as she holds his hand much tighter similar to how a child would hold there mother. Purdeep starts to nod his head negatively and say's, No,....No., Rhoda turns her head to look at Purdeep as Purdeep say's, No again. Purdeep continues, You know why. The violin continues it's sad composition.

Rhoda starts to play and massage with Purdeeps hand, She supports Purdeeps forehand with her right while embracing his thumb and palm with the other hand.
Rhoda pulls open Purdeeps hand with her left hand as she caresses and massages Purdeeps palm in a circular motion with her right.

Rhoda pulls open Purdeeps hand with her right hand as she caresses and massages Purdeeps forehand in a circular motion.
Rhoda uses her index finger to follow the lines on Purdeeps left hand palm. First she slowly follows his life line to the bottom of his wrist. Rhoda then crosses her finger across Purdeeps heart line, She follows Purdeeps line of head line before rolling her finger around in a slow circular motion. Rhoda slowly rubs her finger vertically down along Purdeeps sun line before she applies a circular motion around Purdeeps Heart line before returning her finger to the center of Purdeeps hand. Rhoda returns to Purdeeps heart line before another anti clockwise circular motion which returns her finger to the center of Purdeeps palm once more. Rhoda caresses Purdeeps line of head before lifting her finger a few centimeters and placing it at the top of the line of fate before following the line down to the center of Purdeeps palm.

Rhoda continues to caress Purdeeps line of life a few times, Rhoda looks briefly at Purdeep as she crosses his line of heart. Rhoda follows his hand down to the bottom of his thumb before crossing his line of head and line of heart in an upwards movement, Rhoda looks at Purdeep with a sad and thoughful complexity as Purdeep can be heard quietly chirping to himself from the relaxing hand and finger movements of Rhoda.

Sweat starts to seep out from Purdeeps right cheek as a small bubble of moisture drips slowly down the side of his face. Purdeeps mouth trembles slightly as he lays motionless.

Rhoda contemplates Purdeeps dilemma and also her own as she lays beside him.

Rhoda lays close observing Purdeep as she places her right hand softly onto the chest of Purdeep with fingers outstretched.

Purdeep has fallen back to sleep as Rhoda comforts him the best she can.

Rhoda has returned back home from her visit to see Purdeep at the hospital, She walks slowly past a stationary vehicle which could be Jeffrey's, a friends or the Williams families second auto mobile. A chirping of birds can be heard as well as a thump thump sound of a basketball can be heard in the distance.

Rhoda continues along the side of the house and around to the back area.

As soon as Rhoda reaches the back yard area she spots Jeff practicing basketball, Jeff is in the process of retrieving the basketball and has not noticed Rhoda appear from the side of the house at this moment.

Rhoda immediately places her left hand onto the wooden railings as she is keen to return to the peace and solitude of the attic bedroom. Rhoda does not attempt to speak to Jeffrey as she just wants to get back inside. Jeff turns around to spot Rhoda making her way inside, He shouts over and say's, Oh Rhoda, Rhoda turns around swiftly at the sound of Jeff.
Jeff continues as he breathes heavily from the assertion, Yeah, I got some information you might want to hear.
Jeff sway's from side to side with basketball in hand, Jeff looks to his right and then back at Rhoda, In an instance Jeff throws the basketball at Rhoda as he say's "Shoot a three for it." The ball produces a thud and a pinging sound as Rhoda catches the ball in her hands.
Rhoda looks at her smirking and slightly mischievous brother from the wooden stair case as she ponders what his game might be.

Jeff is in high spirits and laughs while still out of breath, He looks at Rhoda patiently waiting for her response as he exercises in a left and right swaying motion.

Rhoda is not impressed with her brothers mentality as she throws the ball back to him. Rhoda turns around unimpressed with Jeff's childish actions as she attempts to go inside.

Jeff responds as the ball comes back thudding as it bounces to the floor, He say's Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay..Wait Wait in quick succession. Jeff pauses for a moment then raises his right arm and say's, Um, I'll give you a hint.

Rhoda turns back around to face Jeff with her mouth tightly shut, Rhoda is not taking her brother to seriously but is prepared to hear him out.

Jeff's body language has changed and he now stands upright with an air of seriousness and attitude, He raises his right hand slightly as if he is preparing for a speech, Jeff say's with a serious tone, Do you wanna get high?. Jeff holds the basketball with both hands as he pauses his game to hear Rhoda's reply.

Jeff's comment has a put a wide smile on Rhoda's face, She looks back at her brother with surprise and disbelief and say's sarcastically "With You?" A moment pauses then Jeff say's, No No.

Jeff repeats his words in a more authoritative and meaningful way this time, He say's, Do you want to get... High?, A sound similar to metal tubes banging against each other is heard. Jeff raises his eyebrows as he suddenly turns around and looks straight up at Earth Two.

The camera pans up to show Earth Two and the moon in an almost full phase position. The jingling metal continues to chime infused with the sounds of motor vehicles and ambient breeze.

Rhoda stands motionless as she reverts her eyes from Jeff to Earth Two high above. Rhoda stares at the planet as Jeff say's They called.

Jeff nods in a slightly positive way as he raises his right arm and say's, Number's on your door.

Rhoda stares at her brother for a few short seconds, Rhoda is shocked and slightly apprehensive as she replies to Jeff, She say's, Seriously?, Low audible sounds from a television speaker can be heard.

The camera swiftly pans back to Jeff who nods his head positively and say's in a truthful tone of voice, "Seriously." Jeff stands there silent as he looks at Rhoda from the stair well, Jeff smiles at Rhoda in happiness and with a sense of pride.
Rhoda looks away from Jeff as she tries to absorb the information Jeff has just told her, Rhoda is in disbelief and can't really believe her luck at this moment. Rhoda hesitates and then attempts to go into the house as she looks around again at Jeff showing facial signs of (This can't be real). Rhoda laughs with happiness as she enters the door but Jeff shouts back to her as she is just about to go in. Jeff shouts, Wait, Hey.
Rhoda turns again at the door well to listen to her brothers words.
Jeff say's with a serious tone, You better write back to me this time, Okay? Jeff moves his head slightly in a positive way to express his desire for Rhoda to write to him. When Rhoda was in prison she never replied to her brothers letters and this is one of the reasons Jeff was pressing Rhoda on the return journey home. Rhoda is so deeply in thoughts and emotions she couldn't face expressing her mind in an external way as her introverted personality has attacked her decision to reply.
Jeff suddenly switches off from Rhoda, He turns away from his sister to continue his basketball game, He bounces the ball once then attempts to shoot it into the net.

Rhoda breaths the fresh outside air as her long blonde hair flows gently in the breeze, Rhoda contemplates what Jeff has said as she stares at Earth Two, she watches for a few moments as Jeff continues his game then she slowly turns and finally enters the house. The door clicks shut as she goes inside.

Rhoda has returned to the solitude of the attic bedroom, She holds her cordless phone in her right hand while she holds a piece of paper in the other. The piece of paper has a number written down for the United Space Ventures competition. Rhoda contemplates for a few moments as she gains composure to make the call. The camera zooms in as Rhoda starts to tap out the numbers on her cordless phone.
The phone produces a beep sound each time Rhoda presses down on the keys, Rhoda takes her time to tap out the numbers and hesitates on the last two digits as she contemplates the phone call. Rhoda places the phone to her right ear as she waits for an answer, Excitement is building up in Rhoda as she patiently waits for a response. The number connects and a short drill sound produced from the ring tone can be heard. After a few short rings a popping sound is heard as a female voice replies to the call, The female voice say's, United Space Ventures, Keith Harding's office. Rhoda hesitates momentarily then replies, Hello, This is, uh, Rhoda Williams. My brother gave me this number. A synthesizer key starts to play as the female receptionist replies, Rhoda, yes, Just a moment.

A moment passes as Rhoda waits patiently, Suddenly a man's voice can be heard, The voice sounds very important and has a slight echo to it as he speaks from his CEO office space. Keith Harding say's, Rhoda?, Rhoda responds, Yes. Keith Harding continues, Hi, It's Keith Harding, I got your letter.... I was very moved by it, you know, when I was 15 my headmaster said to me- he said, uh, "Harding, you'll either go to prison or be a millionaire,"

Keith Harding chuckles as he say's, Yeah, we'll' I'm grateful it was the latter. But uh...It's a fine line, and finer than you would think.

You still want to go to space, Rhoda?, Rhoda is mesmerized by Harding's words, She whispers but the words struggle to come out, Rhoda say's, Do I.. Rhoda say's positively "Yes" as her face beams with happiness and certainty. Harding continues, Well you can.... The seat is yours, Kerry will be in touch with you with the details. I'll see you soon. Harding ends the call.

Rhoda stares at her phone as she takes in her amazing luck. She is thinking about the space flight to Earth Two and what it will be like.

Suddenly Rhoda looks up and directly at the picture on the wall called "The Pillars of Creation"

This image was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of elephant trunks of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, specifically the Serpens constellation some 6500-7000 light years from Earth.

A loud sound of passing motor vehicles can be heard as Rhoda crosses the road.

Rhoda is deep in thought as she crosses the busy highway, She is carrying something in her hand which has distracted her attention. The loud sound of a cars horn is heard as Rhoda freezes with fear at the oncoming vehicle.